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Oh Donald

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douglas9401 | 10:10 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | News
13 Answers

Trump continues to enthral the bewildered with half truths and downright lies in his quest for sainthood.

He didn't 'take a bullet', he dodged a bullet, almighty god didn't save him, a poor shooter took care of that.

I still wonder when he's going to announce a programme to set up special battalions of young Americans who will spread his message and beat the living daylights out of dissenters.

Dangerous times ahead as an excitable population pick sides?



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no I think he is talking to the converted and just about everyone knows that.

Letter in the Times ( yesterday) God saved Trumpo and so why did God also decree Tony Comperatore's death?


pp, you should know how it works by now. If something good happens it's god's will, if it's bad then it's the fault of the people whom god gave the freedom of choice. Did you ever see a better 'get out' clause?

"He didn't 'take a bullet', he dodged a bullet,..." - err it hit him didn't it?

literally a near miss

Trump is just another nationalist,Dougie.Thank God we got rid of a few other Scottish nationalists at the last election.

It's using hyperbole to boost the effect he wants.  The bullet did actually hit him, that's no lie. Not by much, but he can say that he 'took a bullet' without downright lying.

Whether you admire him for using that form of words is a different matter.

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Had he been a Cheeseman instead of a Trump it could have ended very differently.

""The bullet track produced a 2 cm wide wound that extended down to the cartilaginous surface of the ear," the physician described."

High velocity bullets can damage by winging  - as from my previous posts. I thought the bullet wd have to be outside his head or else the result is like the water-melon in Day of the Jackal

yeah but no but: this is AB so OK it HIT his head and his IQ went up

Forgive them, their arrogance masks their ignorance.

He's become evangelical ... prosperity theology is a good description of it:

Don't be silly, Douglas.

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Oh Donald

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