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No.  It's an idiotic choice.   Diplomacy is essential in the job - something he clearly has no concept of.

No he is not the sharpest tool in the box. 

Now labour are in power they will have to learn to use more diplomatic language on the international stage rather than shooting their mouth off

Lammy is MAABOF I have no idea why Rodders would give him a such a job. ....for that matter any job, he's classic back bench loony material.

I don't think Starmer's the sharpest tool either - even though his dad was a toolmaker.

How will the staff in our embassy in Washington communicate securely with HQ if Trump is re-elected?

We can all remember when our ambassador had to resign when some of his messages given his candid opinion of the President were leaked.


Given that the messages contained his candid opinion of Trump, Trump couldn't have been the culprit.  Hopefully those who leaked the messages will have been replaced.  We can do without untrustworthy people like them representing us.

Starmer's father was (famously) a toolmaker, so surely that makes Starmer a ....

Wasn't impressed by Lammy in opposition, suspect he will be less than impressive with a cabinet role. His decision to restart terrorist funding suggesting that's already true.

I don't think he's a good choice, but I like the fact that he refuses to apologise for his past comments.

Trump's own running mate J D Vance once called Trump America's Hitler (amongst other things). Now suddenly he loves him. Pathetic hypocrit.


Not a good idea to castigate the potential president of the USA. Special relationship and all that.

Leave him alone, hes had a lot to put up with.

He's a descendant of people that were enslaved don't you know.

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As well as the above, during Trump’s first year in office Lammy also called Trump ‘a racist, Ku Klux Klan and Nazi sympathiser’. The Donald isn't a vindictive man, but he has a good memory and will no doubt seek revenge against this incompetent  person. 

Douglas Murray reminds us:

Our new Foreign Secretary, David Lammy is not a man of knowledge. Who can forget the edition of Celebrity Mastermind some years ago in which he suggested that Marie Antoinette had won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 for her work on radiation. And – more worryingly – when asked which monarch succeeded Henry VIII to the throne replied ‘Henry VII’.  

Might it not be circumspect for Starmer to replace him before the certain enormous embarrassment for UK/ US relations when Trump is elected ? 

Lammy is a terrible choice.  But what did we expect from Labour?

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Britain's New Foreign Secretary

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