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15 Year Old Shot In London

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webbo3 | 18:56 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | News
9 Answers

Looks like a targeted shooting otherwise more people would have been shot.

“Everyone was running and taking cover, it was mad. It was targeted, it looked like an assassination. There are lots of problems between the Harrow Road gang and rivals around here.”


The parents really need to keep an eye on their children.




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If their children are already running around with guns in their hands, i believe it's too late for the parents to sit up and take notice.

It's looking more like LA every day

Unless Iread it wrongly, they said that it was a targeted killing. Par for the course in London these days isn't it?

It's a jungle out there.

Assuming this 15 year old has parents, of course.

My parents didn't really know what I was doing when I was 15, how could they?  I didn't have a mobile phone, they didn't have a landline and when I wasn't at work I was 'out with my mates'.  I swore like a trooper, smoked and drank the odd pint, none of which I did at home. 

I had an air rifle, carried a pen knife (I'd outgrown my catapult) like a lot of boys did. They were presents from my parents.

I was aware of drugs but was never interested, no social media 'influencers' and no culture of glamourising 'gangstas'.

I think the only law I had broken at that age was ride my friend's motorbike on the road. My parents didn't know about that.

If this boy does have parents it would not surprise me if they are responsible, decent, hard working people who love their son.

Post Code Turf wars W10-W9.

Nothing new, just the places they choose to attack.

It does appear though they shot into the air to scare people off so they could get the victim so yes, targeted.

and no culture of glamourising 'gangstas'. o come on, come on !

I recollect that the (splodge of witness history coming up) the theme of 'Angels with Dirty Faces'  1938 having led the youngsters astray - the leader is asked in the final tear jerking scene, to show them he is not a role model.

(I think Fagin does ( futilely try to escape ) using the kids in Oliver Twist).


If one gang has control of drug dealing in W10 and another runs drugs in W9, why the violence ?

Can't they find impartial mediators to broker a truce?

No, I think the olds realise that jaw-jaw is better than war-war - but the young kids still try it on. - and going into a rivals area, is a simple way of maximising sales...

Scappaticci ( steak knife) the British spy in the IRA, spied out of conviction, after a light-bulb moment that it was about drug sales and nothing about political rights and independence. His nephew had been knee capped

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15 Year Old Shot In London

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