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Rwanda Fiasco Cost £700Million

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Gromit | 23:11 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | News
36 Answers

Shameful waste of money when schools were falling down and 40 new hospitals turned out 39 short of target.



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Of course. That's what happens when spoilers insist on trying to thwart government policy, and then a new government fails to think before breaking the agreement.

PS it hasn't failed, it was abandoned.

Blame the people who objected to it.

that's only £175 million for each person who went. Gesture pollitics doesn't come cheap. As Cooper says, not only would it have been cheaper to put them in the Ritz, it would have been cheaper to buy the Ritz.

For once I agree with her.  As I said blame the people who objected - her and her boss among them.

blame the people who spent the money - my money - not the people who told them not to.

The people who objected wasted your money, Jno. Too late to complain.  They had their chance. 

Sunak claimed in April that flights to Rwanda would be taking off in, "ten to twelve weeks' time" so the plans were going ahead then, weren't they?

An there we all were thinking Tories were made of stronger stuff.

Strong and stable even, with an oven-ready plan for everything and the steely determination to see things through.

Maybe not though, bigger boys did it and ran away.


That's sweet *** all.

Surely your government can waste larger amounts on bovine excrement promises 🤔😒🙄

Thats ok, they are all going to 'disappear' soon.

All safe country migrants will be fast tracked apparently.

And yes, Naomi is correct, the blame lies with those that blocked it, Cooper-Balls and SKS being hell bent on stopping it.

the rwanda scheme was unworkable and was designed to fail so that the government could blame the ECHR. it was a stupid policy. 

That's just silly, untitled.

It's interesting that labour are considering a similar policy though a different country.

So how ARE Labour going to solve the problem of mass illegal immigration?  If the £ 700 million spent on the Rwanda scheme was "shameful" how is Yvette suggesting solving the crisis?  

I could have sworn the Tories had a majority. How did Starmer and Cooper manage to prevent it happening?

James Cleverly was on BBC news earlier and said the figure Cooper gave was wrong and included the wages of Civil Servants who were employed anyway so would have been paid anyway plus other things that the Labour party had cancelled so they are responsible for and not the tories.  They will always try and blame the other party whoever was at fault and this works both ways.

Thank god the people of Broken Britain finally woke up. Smelled the coffee and voted a decent Labour Govt into power to stop those mad self serving Tory schemes of spending and trousering the Tax payers money.😎.

and the boats keep coming!

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