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Glasgow Airport Incident

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fbg40 | 22:28 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | News
127 Answers

Just seen on the BBC news a PC at Glasgow airport kick a man on the floor in the head and then stamp on his head. He has been put on non operational duties but has not been suspended - I ask why ?? It should be instant dismissal as far as I'm concerned.





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Blatantly biased reporting by the media. Intentionally one sided reportage. This encourages racism. They have no shame and very little integrity. Watch the video prior to the thug on the floor, then see why he reacted that way.

"In the heat of the moment with three of his colleagues down and injured, weapons ripe for the taking. That thug on the ground should have been shot."

How was the man, after being tasered and face down on the ground, in a position to grab anything from a standing officer who had a taser?

TCL,you just do not get it do you,keep saying the same thing over and over again that the thug was no danger to the police  how you know that ?like i have said previous a thug in handcuffs shot a policeman a couple of years ago, do you think he was also no danger to anyone?

New video shows the 'poor victim' just before the viral video we have been offered ad nauseam.

You breakka her nose, I kikka your head.

where dat come from den ?

It shows man face down who has been tasered being kicked in the head doesnt it ?

using a botanical analogy ( flowers n fings, I write for all levels of reader)   we cd rename it  - -  dead heading in Manchester - haw haw haw

Having now seen the additional footage, he should consider himself lucky for just being kicked in the head.


I found it sickening seeing these men punching women.

I've just re-watched it.


The way they attacked the women (it's always the same with these types) the copper who kicked the scumbag coward in the head is a hero.

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