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Glasgow Airport Incident

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fbg40 | 22:28 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | News
127 Answers

Just seen on the BBC news a PC at Glasgow airport kick a man on the floor in the head and then stamp on his head. He has been put on non operational duties but has not been suspended - I ask why ?? It should be instant dismissal as far as I'm concerned.





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The thug who got his just deserts at Manchester airport did assualt and break a female officers nose.


FRIPFRIP, what threat was posed by the man on the floor raising his head?

He posed a big threat if allowed to get back up. He should be in jail not let out on bail.

here ya go fbg40


lets see the nes channels cover this.

CLONE, was the man making any movement indicating he was trying to get up, immediately before being kicked in the face and stamped on the head?

You sympathise with the thug if you want to, I choose not to.


Webbo 18.34 Judging by your video .They should have shot him straight through the head.Resuscitated him and shot him again.

First time I've agreed with you Gulliver, thank you

CLONE, are you not able to point out any signs the man was trying to get up?

''No Justice, No Peace''

they chant.


Can I assume the Black Lives Matter mob, now want these thugs jailed?

CLONE, no answer then or is a boot to the face and a stamp on the head recommended, just to be on the safe side?

Very, if you watch my video

What I saw on the BBC News was a man who appeared to be a police officer, kicking a defenceless man in the face and stamping on his head. I then saw another officer assault a man who was holding his hands up and not resisting. Andy Burnham said that "a police officer had rightly, been suspended from all duties pending investigations". I then saw an interview with a man called Lee Anderson, who is an MP, saying that the police officer should be awarded a medal; that Andy Burnham is a buffoon and should shut up. Who is right, and what did I see, along with millions of others, probably?

Have a look at my video, the bbc or sky will not show it. ^

Thanks for that webbo. I meant to add that we hadn't been made aware of what had gone before and probably resulted in the action by the officer. It puts a different perspective on it, doesn't it?

10CS, it was the same officer. He telt that man sitting on a chair with his hands up to get on the floor.

As the man knelt on the floor, the officer stamped on his thigh and hit him on the back of his head with his Taser.


When dealing with thugs I don't care how the police handle it.

I just want them to sort it out pronto.


I have seen what the arrested men did and the police were right to arrest them.

However, that in no way justifies the police officer meting out his own punishment by way of physical assaults.

In the heat of the moment with three of his colleagues down and injured, weapons ripe for the taking. That thug on the ground should have been shot. He was extremely violent to the police and was potentially very dangerous. He got back some of what he gave out.

Now we know why footage of what happened before 'the incident' wasn't widely available.   I'm sorry the policeman lost his cool because he will suffer for it - but that creature got all he deserved.   Thanks for posting that, webbo.  

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