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Glasgow Airport Incident

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fbg40 | 22:28 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | News
127 Answers

Just seen on the BBC news a PC at Glasgow airport kick a man on the floor in the head and then stamp on his head. He has been put on non operational duties but has not been suspended - I ask why ?? It should be instant dismissal as far as I'm concerned.





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When I was in my mid 20's, I had a kicking off the police that resulted in my having to have 3 stiches in my head. But back then, 30 yrs ago, there was no video evidence.

Not dissing what these men might have done, but it certainly makes you question.

//have a day off, he did not lose his temper it was not a full kick//

3T I respect you BUT tell me what you describe as a kick?

That was brutal.

It needs answering but put yourself in their position.  One broken nose and another officer badly injured and in hospital.

You dont much about.  In many other countries he would be dead doing that in an airport.

We need to wait and see the full story.  If it turns out he did deliberatly stamp on him then yes boot him out but its amazing how many people based on one cut version of the incident will hang him.

Would you be happy with that Nailedit next time you are up in front of the beak or would you want the full story?

If it was 'brutal' he would be in hospital.

//Would you be happy with that Nailedit next time you are up in front of the beak or would you want the full story?//

As ive already stated, my views maybe colored by my past history with the police. I was once attacked, whilst in police custody, 30 years ago and that resulted in my having to have 3 stiches in my head. Ive also recieved black eyes and numerous brusing after been in police custody.

Ive also had to have a crown court trial whereby the police blatantly perjured themselves. But who is anyone going to believe if not a nice policeman?

Forgive me if I dont have any sympathy for them,

Thugs with a uniform!

13:20 with those heavy boots a proper kick would have knocked the guy out, a proper stamp would crushed his head like a Melon. They were both pulled.

3T, honestly mate?

You still think its right to kick a guy in the head and stamp on him?

I thought beter of you.

Ill repeat...

the police dont get to be judge, jury and executioner...

Thats not what they are paid for.


14:35, where have I said that? Just saying it's not as bad as it looks. The police were being attacked they had to fight back and restore order. I think they showed restraint, in many countries the guy would be dead. He was still moving after the "stamp".

And Gromits post @ 04.44 shows the same copper kicking another man who had his hands up and clearly surrendering but been asaulted.

Im no lover of islam or people who asault women or police etc but this was out of order.

I hope the people in the vid get what they deserve but I also hope the copper gets the sack.


//where have I said that? Just saying it's not as bad as it looks//

We are obviously viewing different vids then?

can you not see that was not a full kick or stamp, they were pulled like a punch can be pulled.

I could still move my head after been kicked by a copper but I had to have stiches.

(Got taken to the accident unit but obviously I had banged my head after tresisting arrest 😂)


TORATORATORA, you claimed the man "was still trying to get up anyway." but you've not provided evidence of that.

Why have you not done so?


nailedit //.... I'm left worried that someone who is licensed to carry a gun can lose his temper so easily...//

One issue was that these officers did carry guns and if overpowered, which seemed likely at one point, their guns could have been taken.

Interesting that the 'viral' video doesn't inform us what had been going on for several munites beforehand, during which a woman police officer was beaten & had her nose broken & two of her colleagues were hospitalised.

Similarly, we are in the dark about why you were attacked.  


Khandro, I'm quiet aware of what preceded this incident. That doesnt, however, give the police to act carte blanche. They get paid to arrest perpertrators, not kick them in the head and stamp on them.

//Similarly, we are in the dark about why you were attacked//

Then let me enlighten you...

I was drunk and giving the police a bit of verbal! Does that justify a beating and stiches to the head?

Several black eyes over the years off the police because i was nothing more than drunk? 

It doesnt go on so much nowadays because all the cells are camerad up, but back in the day I have recieved no end of abuse at the hands of police so forgive me if i dont take the side of this police officer clearly kicking a man in the head, then stamping on his head and then kicking another man (as per Gromits vid).



can the mods do something useful for a change and sub ( or moderate)  Manchester for Glasgow?

I keep on thinking  this is the flaming car incident ( from 2007 which it isnt - and has a completely different story board

nailedit: "I have recieved no end of abuse at the hands of police so forgive me if i dont take the side of this police officer " - Funny I've never been beaten up once! I can't think why!

Aye, there was a character on Today this morning bemoaning the fact that GMP had rolled out an Asian officer as the face of the force.

some comment about this - now  when my gt niece was wheeled out as spokesgirl at  the 'pule -  and was asked

" woss someone blachhhh doing in the bizzies?"

she said: In the Liverpool Police we assess whether the cadet is good enough to join NOT the colour of  the skin ".

It is clear that it was decided to be like  this - no complaint, lots of clips on TikTok which cant be stopped, as there is no complaint

The new MP, Waugh wheeled out - reports for calm

no complaint means appeals for everyone to be silent whilst the er police get their story straight, cannot happen.

The brother of the victim ( kickee) is a police man and they say was present at the airport trying to calm things down - oo-er officer !

Poor Lady with broken nose - no viddy - as it occurred in the car-park (  that makes it a different separate incident doesnt it?).

so it looks like a British mega-event - unfortunate violent incident followed  by cack-handed investigation and handling. - left to a junior officer who was not briefed

If comeone in authority had taken charge ( or even perhaps had  been informed) after the first viddie came out, it cd have been completely different. I bet  the senior officer will say " it  wasnt what we were intially told. That was a completely different story."

Pepper spray - I note is now called" incapacitant spray" and not sedative spray -  an officer on viddie just goes up to one man and squirts it in his  face.....


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