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Eu Leaders Have Offered To Help Labour Unpick Boris's Bodged Brexit Deal.

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gulliver1 | 10:06 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | News
108 Answers

Sir Keir Starmer says work has already begun negotiating with the EU to change the Bodged Tory deal . We intend to improve our relationship with the EU and that means closer trading with the EU."I do think Labour can get a much better deal than the Botched deal Boris saddled the UK with".           ....😎.Is this the start of getting Brexit Undone...Hope so.😎



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DD 00:08, BA right there.

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Deskdiary. IMHO. You and fellow Abers like TTT for example Obviously voted for Brexit. But now having realised you shot yourself in the foot. You are awake and can smell the coffee after realising you made a huge mistake. Maybe you should have voted Labour at the GE With a chance of rejoining.😎


gulliver DD said that he voted remain but respects the wishes of those who voted to leave.  Just a shame you and some others don't respect democracy.

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TSM 10.23.... "DD said he voted remain"....                                ..I think DD is ...He himself ..What he called Hymie @ 00.08





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Why do the Brexiteers oppose closer ties with the EU .It can only be for the better.

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I suppose the Brexiteers on here are getting a  bit jittery   when you go back to how Keir and Corbyn planned to hold a second referendum.

I suppose the EU elite might be getting over their prolonged hissy fit & see the change of government here as a chance to roll back some of their stupider restrictions without losing face.

that pillock starmer has lost the plot

You mean they want our money again.

We aint got any money (according the Rachel) so that's a non-starter!

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Why is Starmer only bringing back freedom of movement for young people? If he achieves FOM  for everyone both ways it would cut the 15 Hour wait at Dover and all this BS with British passports and visas out.  Bring it on Sir Keir.

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         According to a latest opinion poll on Brexit  *Deltapoll*      49% of Brits want to rejoin the EU, 38% want to stay out and 13% are not sure.😎 The chances of rejoining are getting better by the day.😎

The Islamists are definitely in favour.  

//According to a latest opinion poll on Brexit  *Deltapoll*      49% of Brits want to rejoin the EU, //

So you're in a minority then! 


Maybe it's because several countries in the EU are struggling with their financial debt. They are desperate for help. 

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NMA 12.38 Get your abacus out ...49% Want to rejoin ...

 38% Don't want to rejoin .So who is in Minority ?? try again

Yup, there's no chance of a sensible conversation with gulliver1 

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13.00 "YUP" ???? 😃

Have you got a *Deltapoll* link gully.

Why are they still polling about brexit? - rejoining is not going to happen. The EU will disintegrate before that could happen.

Knowing for a fact that I was in a works meeting, when a senior manager of a major white goods manufacturer said what they said – and Brexiteers thinking I’m fabricating such an event, makes me realise that they (Brexiteers) are in complete denial of the problems Brexit is causing throughout our economy.


...and any arguments that we have regained our sovereignty are complete hogwash, as we are forced to follow EU rules, now with no say in those rules (watch out for the announcement that we have abandoned the UKCA marking for medical and building products, in favour of the European CE marking).

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