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AMartinP | 17:26 Sun 28th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

18 down: Geological period wherein you'll find seabird one inhabiting Pyranean area(7). I have es?uar?. All I can think of is "estuary", bu I've no idea why. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you (in advance).



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Well, if the seabird in question is a skua, is there an "eskuary"?

Eskuara skua inside era and is French(?) for Basque

It's eskuara. Another name for the Basque language.

"Skua" in "era"

Question Author

Yes, that's it. Thank you all for responding so promptly - I'll let you know if I win the prize (as long as remember to post the thing!!). Thank you again. Martin.

The one I'm having problems with is 6 Down - Part of speech amid four best broadcast? It's designed to minimilize extremism. (12) I have B?R???V?R??T. Any help, please....

BERUFSVERBOT - anagram of four best verb

My goodness! That's astounding - thanks.

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