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What Do You Make Of This?

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sp1814 | 07:04 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | News
8 Answers

I doubt he means that there won't be an election in four years time - so what does he mean???


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Secret service man shouted 'Mickey Mouse' when he should've shouted Donald Duck.

Old news, fake news, faecal matter that Donald denied ever saying.

Keep in mind "fake news"


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Old news?

It was from a couple days ago.

Fake news? 

The video is embedded in this link:

It's scary. Surely there are a few intelligent Americans of sound mind and body that can run the US

there is one called kamala harris. 

My apologies SP.

I was just quoting the bovine faecal matter that Donald Trump does on a daily basis.

surely it's "old news" insofar as it's already been discussed here:


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Ah - thanks davebro. I've never gone to SandC.

I'll close this thread.

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