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Not Looking Too Good For Macron.

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Khandro | 11:00 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | News
8 Answers

Now the Seine is too dirty to swim in - I could have told him that.



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The poor sods having to swim in it. 

The Thames is just the same. I remember the rowers in the Oxbridge race were told not to jump in at the end due to the filth of it.

Surely they'll abandon the plan altogether.  It was a stupid idea to begin with.

This Olympics seems to have failed spectacularly in having a Plan B for several situations.

Incidentally, what happened to the Olympic flame? It started off on Mount Olympus and ended up being replaced by a few light bulbs floating over Paris.

The great Thunburg probably blew it out.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to hold a competition in any river near a city has lost the plot.

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bhg ; //Incidentally, what happened to the Olympic flame? //

Yes a good question, the flame has always been passed from person to person & was an honour to participate. We had this strange masked figure sometimes prancing around inside buildings and sometimes on rooftops. At times in bright sunshine & sometimes in the rain.

Another of the many farces of the games.

The flame managed to reach the "bowl" and light it; the bowl then floated off into the night sky and we wondered how much gas was on board to keep the flame burning for a fortnight. It then turns out the the bowl is "burning" electricity via cables connecting it to the ground, so reaaly there isn't a flame any more. Should the Olympics be stopped?

""Ooh La La!
IT WAS with huge pride that the Headmaster arrived in Paris to support Rayner’s Lane Comprehensive athletes taking part in the International Schools’ Sports Festival.
There was no disguising his unbridled joy during the opening ceremony as his charges made their way down the Seine amid a spectacular flotilla. Answering questions about their vessel, Mr Starmer was happy to tell one and all that it was constructed using the finest materials available, reflecting the School’s values and utilising the ablest nautical designers the School could muster.
While at first glance the two wooden delivery pallets lashed together with string and painted in rainbow colours looked slightly shoddy and unbalanced, it transported the smiling and enthusiastic breakdancers and BMX riders triumphantly to the finishing pontoon, where they disembarked safely, waving to the cheering crowd.
Sadly, this unique waterborne carriage slipped its moorings during the festival finale and was reported to have wended its way to a final aquatic berth at a sewage treatment works in Versailles.
We wish all Rayner’s Lane sportsmen, sportswomen, sportsgenderqueer, sportsgenderneutral, sportscisgender, sportsnonbinary, sportsgenderapathetic, sportsgenderneutral, sportspolygender and sportsthirdgender participants – Bonne chance!!""

Alexander McKibben

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Australian senator speaks out with typical Aussie directness;

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