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Labour Ditching Social Care Plan

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naomi24 | 11:15 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | News
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//Chancellor Rachel Reeves’s decision to scrap planned changes to the care system in England has been described as a "tragedy" by Sir Andrew Dilnot, the man who authored the proposals in 2011.  The public spending think tank, the Institute for Fiscal Studies, warned that ditching the cap could see people paying "extremely high social care costs" running into hundreds of thousands of pounds.//


First the winter fuel allowance and now social care.   Watch out for the next move.  Who said Labour cares?



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12:38 Tue 30th Jul 2024

Labour ........Cut cut cut

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Their lies are following them ....

For a Party that harped on about Johnsons 'lies' they are doing pretty well themselves and all within a couple of weeks.

Anyone who thinks they didnt have this planned before the election needs gheir head examined.

Still its great, best way to see off Labour for another 14 years or so.

In fairness, after the hits of the ridiculous Covid reaction, the embargo of an aggressive expansionist power, and the supying of arms/support to that power's target, the economy will need concentrating on.


The ridiculous bit is the image given of a land of milk & honey here where everything is hunky dorey, and now pretending to have just discovered issues. All knew the challenges ahead before the election. All believed the public always ends up paying for it.


The present government has already made horrible decisions without the need to highlight something that would be done in one form or another no matter who got in.


Treat yourself to a new tighter belt, it's going to be a rough ride. One made worse by encouraging more immigration, cosying up to the elite in the federal block, and failing utterly to extract the nation from agreements which are unjustifiably holding us back from that which needs doing.

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Labour Ditching Social Care Plan

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