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If Stephen Waxy-Lemon, Aka Tommy Robinson, Was To Seek Asylum In Europe...

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sandyRoe | 11:23 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | News
11 Answers

...which country would be most sympathetic to his claim?

Somewhere like Hungary would be my guess.

I wonder how he's feeling now that he's a refugee/asylum seeker?



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I thought he was on holiday 


The very good, and dare I say lovely, Bev Turner has her say;

he should be very proud,at the weekend he united the country,single handed,i think the majority agree with him,,,call him far right if you wish,to me he is right and a patriot

'What is driving the sense we need to preserve Britishness?'  Excellent question from Bev Turner.

He holds an Irish passport, so unlike all you mugs who voted for Brexit (and are restricted in your rights to live and work within Europe), there is no such problems for this hypocrite of a Brexiteer.

Hymie; //He holds an Irish passport, so unlike all you mugs who voted for Brexit (and are restricted in your rights to live and work within Europe), there is no such problems for this hypocrite of a Brexiteer.//

What are those 'restrictions' ?

As a hold of an EU passport, TR is free to live and work in any EU country for as long as he likes; non-EU passport holders have no such rights, depending on your nationality you may be able to visit for 90 days (soon to require a visa for UK passport holders), and you certainly cannot work without having a work visa.

UK citizens can live in Europe after Brexit by following each country's immigration laws. One exception is the Republic of Ireland, where pre-Brexit rules remain. Several European Union (EU) countries offer residency permits that require proof of income, health insurance, employment, or property.

Virtually all countries offer some sort of residency/work permits, but most have requirements that would be beyond most UK passport holders.


EU citizens have no such restrictions on living and working in any EU country.

Hymie; Which EU country is it you wish to apply for domicile ?

Also, one of the effects of 'free movement' was getting on for 3/4 of a million people born in Poland moved straight into the UK,  it's a 2-way street you see.

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If Stephen Waxy-Lemon, Aka Tommy Robinson, Was To Seek Asylum In Europe...

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