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Pro-Rape And Pro-Torture Protestors

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Untitled | 11:31 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | News
15 Answers

right-wing protestors have stormed several military facilities as a show of support for nine Israeli soldiers who have been placed under arrest for allegedly torturing and raping palestinian detainees at Sde Teiman

bezalel smotrich, israel's finance minister, has said that the arrested soldiers should be treated as heroes 

do you agree?



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Depends on what constitutes 'rape' & torture'.

Is it the same as the real rape & real torture carried out by Hamas?

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sexual abuse which left a prisoner with anal injuries that left him unable to walk. sounds like rape to me. 

I'm reminded of Abu Ghraib.

Demonize your opponents, think of them as less than human, and things like this happen.

Similar events occurred in Europe during the 30s and 40s.

Question Author

it is not the only example. whistleblowers have been trying to draw attention to this problem for years. it appears to be quite common :/ 

Depends on what constitutes 'rape' & torture'.

so you can be half-raped or almost raped? - oy vey ! the things you learn on AB. 

(Law question: " quasi rape is not a crime - discuss")

There is a film about this ( yup an Israeli film) - I mean Jesus boys, you are all gonna get deleted and suspended arent you. This isnt mimsy at all) - not Curtains of Darkness and certainly not Fauda. The film is an investigation into a death (oops) under questioning. Obviously the explanation is that 'he tripped over.' And the investigator says - " yeah but, on that bracket 3' off the floor, isnt that a bit of his knee-cap?"


Similar events occurred in Europe during the 30s and 40s.

yes indeedy  Malmedy trials. ( Observer corps was massacred by the SS)

"of the nine Waffen-SS officers who testified, three claimed to have been mistreated by U.S. Army jailers"

German speaking GIs, of course, russian rouletter, mock executions, all feature.


If we take the logic of some people in AB, any rape or torture that has taken place by Israeli soldiers is actually the fault of Hamas for not having a lie-in on October 7th. 


Yes of course ! isnt that obvious?

(Malmedy) - and some of the convictions were set aside+


@12.40.Wouldnt have happened if 7th October never took place Mozz.Forty thousand innocents are lying in their graves thanks to the Hamas terrorists getting out of their beds that day.

The forecast for tonight is for persistent drivel with a high risk of fogged thinking.

Whatever Dougie.However the fact remains forty thousand innocents would still be living today if the Hamas terrorists hadnt started this war on 7th October last year.

Israeli soldiers is actually the fault of Hamas for not having a lie-in on October 7th. 

yes, see above answers 12 and 10

Now let me see - who was it last week who said - those (ABers) norrrrth of  the borrrrder are short of  a fuull shillun?

no no  I am  sure that it is a mis-quote - I was gonna reply " "that is because that Nicola Sturgeon has nicked  ma fooorrrpence -"( hence short of a shilling).  They SAY ( motor home ) that is  why she is known as Knickers Nicola....



Sorry,Peter,sorry?As we say up here in Scotland-"Aye,you will be".

Question Author

abuse of palestinian detainees including sexual abuse snd torture was already happening before october 7th.

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Pro-Rape And Pro-Torture Protestors

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