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Bluff Called

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douglas9401 | 11:52 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | News
8 Answers

Now let's see some real action on this chancer.



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She should've fled the country. Tommy Robinson has a few months before he had to report back.

It's not going to happen Douglas.  She seems to be untouchable for some bizarre reason.

She was a guest on Radio 2 the other afternoon.  She was talking about how she had sold her house and was happily living somewhere else and was a changed person after having counselling and meeting the right man.  Seems not.

Yet she's apparently gone to Turkey for more plastic surgery. She'll soon be unrecognisable...maybe that's her goal?? 🤔

everyone has to pay tax - even Katie.

also she had set up a lifetime's trouble - being dogged ( er "that means on your tail", not where you go to a car park and....) by the tax man ( often unreasonable and implacable) is not  something I wd look forward to

a  bit  like having two muvva in laws I suppose

She'll soon be unrecognisable...maybe that's her goal?? 🤔

you mean like this? ( Jocelyn Wildenstein):


She is seriously strange.

a car crash of a woman - early demise?

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Bluff Called

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