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Any Abers Agree With Farage

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gulliver1 | 10:51 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
32 Answers

Nigel Farage reckons that Boris Johnson was the beginning and the end of the Tory Party Downfall. I agree with Farage and I hope the Tories bring Johnson back into their party.😎



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Excellent, we havnt had a Boris thread from you for ages.


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YMB 10.55 .😎."havnt" you😎?

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I rarely agree with Farage but, on this occasion, I do. 

Where did this come from?

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10.59 You lost go away.

Gulliver, I can't find a news report of this.  Where did you get it?

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Farage also says Johnson betraying the red wall voters over Brexit was another reason the Cons took such a hammering.

i agree with farage about scrapping the two child benefit cap and introducing PR. can't think of much else.

This thread was probably closed in error.

Farage is usually right about most things - it's called "common sense". Trouble is much of it is unacceptable in the UK's current woke leftist culture.

I think a certain Liz Truss added greatly to the Tory party downfall.

I'm still awaiting an indication of the source of the information gulliver has posted.  Without it we would be perfectly entitled to conclude it's just more of his usual garbage.

YMF💘Gully (true) - more like - - Any Abers agree with Farage? Just about all of them I wd have thought

According to his sister, even Boris thinks Brexit is a mad idea – but it did get him the position of Prime Minister and allowed him to destroy the Tory party, so maybe not everything about Brexit is bad.

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Personally I believe it was the back-stabbing removal of Boris by totally incompetent rivals that was the cause of the party downfall. They'd probably still be in power now if they left him where he was.

You can huff, puff and cuss as much as you like, a lot of people still supported him.

Yes, partygate & Cumming's knifing were largely driven by the London crowd. I don't think that the country at large were overly concerned.

I agree, Prudie.  Johnson's enemies within his own party are reaping what they've sown - and the country is now paying for it.

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