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Kneel Starmer Speech On Thugs

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fender62 | 16:55 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
47 Answers

said it was far right thugs, never mentioned the riot in leeds or the southend machete attacks or the airport incident, none were far right, to me it stinks of appeasement, i get the misinformtion over the stockport riot, and in no way am i siding with what happened there, its like he's afraid to listen to the people who are actually afraid of whats happening in the uk, im afraid it's only going to get worse, a polarised society.



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Just about sums it up Togo.

Pro Hamas terrorist marches, Anti Semetism rallies, Harehill riots, Soldier stabbed, BLM riots and looting, Bangladeshi rioys London, Muslim violence at Manchester airport  ...  all met with silence.

White, working class upset and frustrated about the murder of their children, and the ensuing vacuum of official information and Starmer finds his voice. He is outraged and promises clampdowns and rapid responses to future right wing unrest. We have your number now Starmer  ...   you are part of the problem not part of the solution. 

//Think about that for a moment.//

When someone writes that it usually means they are writing a croc of dodah.

And where were you wanting jaik for the BL riots or the more recent muslim riots over a copper doing his job?

Or is it just the "Far-Right" you want silenced?

For starters stop & search should not have any restrictions and anyone found carrying a blade dealt with severely.

Starmer has just warned the native people we must not protest against the invaders. He puts us down as the enemy and will use the system to bring all its force to bear on us. Not telling plod to be more proactive about stopping the knife killers but very concerned about the indigenous British who are sick and tired of it. The far left set about dismantling the Christian values that were the glue of our cenuries old way of life decades ago, and have been encouraged and facilitated by the compulsary legacy media along the way. We are begining to see, despite most not wanting to, just what is in store for us if we do not take action the responsibility to protect ourselves from this curse. We have been patient, but the time is running out. The authorities that we trusted have failed us, the forces of law and order have turned their back on us and appear to actually be in cahoots with the murderous and violent diversity. It will not be long before we are effectively the minority in our own lands. And still they come.   

Stockport riot?

Your missing the point Gromit.

That point being ALL rioters should be treated harshly not just the 'far' right' that you and SKS dont like.

// Your (sic) missing the point Gromit. //

My only comment was pointing out that there has NOT been a riot in Stockport.

I think that is called whataboutery.

Stockport is in Cheshire and Southport is in Lancashire.  
They are about 60 miles apart.  

What a load of rubbish is being spouted on this post today.

Not everyone, but I'm glad at least most of those posting are not in any position of power!

To think I joined AB initially to get assistance  with a competition question.

Well stick to the competion section then


I don't think you can advise me on how I should use this site.

I think I'm free to make a valid comment on AB .... well at least until matron tells me it's bed time!


//I don't think you can advise me on how I should use this site.//

Although you consider yourself entitled to do just that in the case of other users. Meehh. Part of the problem right there. The intolerant of others whilst in possesion of personal liberal attitudes that got us here. 

//I don't think you can advise me on how I should use this site.//

Well dont dig at others then.  Hypocrite.

quite right naomi,,well said

12.30 youngmafbog

'When someone writes that it usually means they are writing a croc of dodah.'

 ..... and you call me a hypocrite!  Pot, kettle, black.



The quacks are all going on strike and Starmer is treating the symptoms instead of the cause. Take your medicine and puke it up on him. Not tonight though he has Friday nights off for recreational purposes. I think they consist mainly of standing still and looking bewildered. 


Viva la revolution.

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