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Kneel Starmer Speech On Thugs

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fender62 | 16:55 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
47 Answers

said it was far right thugs, never mentioned the riot in leeds or the southend machete attacks or the airport incident, none were far right, to me it stinks of appeasement, i get the misinformtion over the stockport riot, and in no way am i siding with what happened there, its like he's afraid to listen to the people who are actually afraid of whats happening in the uk, im afraid it's only going to get worse, a polarised society.



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I'm afraid that you are correct, fender, in that it is only going to get worse. It has been simmering under the official radar for over 4 decades now.

I haven't heard his speech but it sounds par for the course.  

fender,, its far right ,its tommy robinson,its farage,blame everybody else except themselves..governments have not listened to the starmer wnts a rapid response squad,because he wants to keep our streets safe,,,mmm should have told those little girls that

How 'rapid' would the response need to be to stop a loony with an assortment of knives once he gets started?

Everybody was quick to assume the knifing in Southport was an immigrant.  I can understand completely, when you read of crimes happening in UK most of the names of the criminals are..  well I suppose I am not allowed to say.  

"Everybody was quick to assume the knifing in Southport was an immigrant."

Everybody? Really?

How fast would a London based rapid response team getting to Carlisle?

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Fender ."Kneel Starmer" Why have you returned to playground mode...Have you gone all gaga and started dribbling

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gulliver1, are your dribbling a lament over labour being power, or are you going to say brits deserve labour, pensioners being the first target.

Do the courts have sufficient powers to deal with anyone convicted of rioting?

Remember the riots in London when people were sentenced to three and more years for offences including stealing a bottle of fizzy water from a looted shop.

Similar condign sentences are needed now to demonstrate that the law is both impartial and colour blind.

when you import the third world you get the third world, britain for british come and live here, don't try and take over, this is not racist just common sense, but the left don't understand, britain first

SKS  needs to stop the boats otherwise this is only going to carry on.

I watched the BBC's report on this tonight.  Disgraceful.  Neither they nor Starmer are being honest.  They are taking the public for fools.

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they won't tell the truth, it would cause complete civil unrest. let it fester, it reminds me of someone getting battered and people stood watching while filming with there phones, yet no one helps, same with the rioters..they were filming themselves.

They are taking the public for fools, because the public by and large are fools. Sheep, lemmings, deferential fools.

Corralled by their own apathetic toleration of the multitude of slimy self serving snake oil politicians that infect our democracy.

//SKS  needs to stop the boats otherwise this is only going to carry on.//

It will get worse - if people are frustrated that the authorities are unwilling or unable to stop illegal immigration they will take direct action themselves. First the thugs then more moderate people. Maybe immigrants WILL be deterred if they can see they are in for a hostile/violent reception.

PS. the Southport knife murderer may not have been an immigrant himself but his parents are so...

Far right vermin attacking the police with bricks. Never any excuse. These people deserve long prison senetences.People in a desperately grieving community had there garden walls destroyed for ammunition. Think about that for a moment.

People who incite violence online by posting deliberately misleading info should be jailed. Yes that means you Tommy Robinson, Katie Hopkins

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