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Rest In Peace?

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douglas9401 | 19:03 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
12 Answers

Some might see this as undignified, even attention seeking.

I'm sure 'some' would be wrong though and there are plenty of opinioneers to put them straight on the matter.




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How is it attention-seeking? They didn't release the images and the news about the body being exhumed, did they?

Neville and Doreen divorced and started quarelling about the grave

Romans are OK with digging someone up and singing - lah-dee-dah, parading it  around ( or an image) Taking it down to the  sea and  giving it  a wash ( Francis Xavier, Goa). More la-dee-dah and reburying - - -

But Proddies arent - buried once, resurrect once ( er day  of  judgement - phew!) - doctrine from the 16th century

remember they dug up St Cuthbert ( 750) or so and took him from Lindisfarne to Chester le street

And didn't St Swithin object to where he was buried and brought torrents of rain 'til he was moved?

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"he would not be at peace in this country".

“After 31 years, we have decided as a family that we would like to bring Stephen home to be closer to us.”

Why was his body exhumed? and

If the poor beggar wouldn't rest easy here could interested parties not move nearer to him?

I've no strong feelings either way but it does all seem just a tad mixed up.

attention seeking, sadly, what's changed?

Why is it "attention-seeking"?

sandy: "and didn't St Swithin object to where he was buried and brought torrents of rain 'til he was moved?" - other way round, he wanted to be buried outside Winchester cathedral and was but after about 80 years they brought him inside. That's when it peed down apparently.

It is steven and not st swithin and anyway that was a long time ago

The least said on this, the better.

As long as all costs are paid by the Lawrence family, and the Brtitish taxpayer is not expected to fund any of it, I don't think anyone else has the right to comment on the family's decision to bring their son's body back to UK.

The Lawrence family must do what they feel is right for them.

As for "attention-seeking"  - it is inevitable that any action taken in relation to such a high profile case, even after all these years, would draw media attention.  I think that it is unlikely that it is a deliberate attempt to draw attention.

If you've got a cow keep milking it.

If it was attention seeking it clearly worked, having caught yours. 

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Rest In Peace?

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