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Have you ever heard of girls being abused by their fathers?



The hypothetical white girl I mentioned, is she a victim deserving of help and sympathy or a race traitor for consorting with men from the Indian sub-continent?

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10:44 yes she deserves help and sympathy, what has she got to do with the Isis bride?

Both 14 year olds, groomed, and led down a path that they would otherwise have never taken.

sandyRoe, balderdash.  Parents the world over have a tendency to raise their children in their own culture.  Her father isn't alone in that and it's a mistake to assume he is. Instead of championing people who would separate your head from your shoulders without a second thought you need to acknowledge reality.

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rubbish, just stop it with the BS, those cases are not comparable. SB was brought up in an extremist family, her dad was a complete rabid islamic terrorist. She was trained from birth to hate the west. When the chance came she and other associates went to Syria to join ISIS of their own accord, presumably with dreamy ideals from the Turkish delight adverts. Not remotely comparable.

“She was trained from birth to hate the west.”

So why (a) should she want to live somewhere she hates (or at least has been trained to hate) and (b) should that “somewhere” accommodate her?

“Do I understand correctly that the highest court in the land has upheld the decision that this aberrations revocation of her citizenship is lawful, but the European court could overrule the decision?”

Yes you do understand that correctly, dd. Not only do you understand it, the UK’s Supreme Court has near enough left the decision to be made by the ECHR. I quote from the BBC report:

“In their ruling, the justices found it was a matter for the European court to decide whether the process to deprive Ms Begum of British citizenship should have considered whether she was a potential victim of trafficking.

The Supreme Court justices also affirmed an earlier ruling which found those concerns had no material bearing on the decision under UK law.”

So here we are: the UK’s highest court has determined the matter in accordance with UK law,  But at the same time it has suggested that a supra-national court should revisit the matter and come to a conclusion on the basis of a feature which they have declared has no bearing on UK law.

So essentially they have abrogated their responsibilities, as the country’s Supreme Court (the clue as to their purpose being in the name) and proposed an outside authority has the responsibility to finally arbitrate on the matter.

This is utter madness. The UK has a mature and robust legal system which is designed to arbitrate fairly on matters of UK law. There are various levels of appeal meaning that nobody should suffer the decision of a single court without recourse to a higher authority. That authority should end at the Supreme Court and nothing should trump either the Westminter Parliament (which frames the laws) or the country’s highest court (which is the final arbiter of them).  

No countries outside Europe succumb to external legal authorities in this way. It is only in Europe, where guilt-ridden governments terrified of being labelled as authoritarian see the need to have their decisions examined elsewhere.

The time has come (in fac it came long ago) for the UK to leave the authority of the ECHR. In fact I would go further than that and say it is time for that institution to be completely abandoned.

Bang on - no one is brave enough to say "the buck stops here".

Damn wimps!

"She was trained from birth to hate the west."

Who said that, apart from T3?

And she's as English as any of us here in AB.  

A government exiling a native born English woman seems to me to be an incredible action.

She may be as British as anyone on here but as English as anyone from England.

As recent events have shown, there's a fair difference within the borders of the countries of the British isles when it comes to wild-eyed maniacs dressed up as patriots.

Some say they're little or no better than those they claim to protest about.

you've lost me there doogie - care to rephrase?

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judge: //She was trained from birth to hate the west.”

So why (a) should she want to live somewhere she hates (or at least has been trained to hate) and (b) should that “somewhere” accommodate her?// - I can only assume that a taste of what she thought she wanted re educated her very quickly.

Sandy said "And she's as English as any of us here in AB."


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14:52 I can't take seriously anyone who calls baby beheaders "freedom fighters".

There used to be a bit of anti-Jewish propaganda called: The protocols of the Elders of Zion.  There would have been as much truth in it as there is in the claim that Hamas volunteers deliberately beheaded babies.

I wonder how many Palestinian babies have been dismembered by the actions of the Israeli army?

This isn't about babies  or the Israeli army.

Wow...someone's mentioned race and a) it wasn't me and b) someone who normally picks up on that has totally missed it.



If we all have to stick to the point on every post it's time to power down the servers.

This is not the Oxford Union no matter how delusional our controllers get.

She would rather be here because life will be better here. But she burnt that bridge and must now make the most of elsewhere. Whoever will have her.


You don't crepe on friends then expect all to be forgiven. In any case, what's her beef with foreign countries, especially those with a mindset close to her own ?

Douglas, you're imagining things again.   I can't see where anyone has been asked to stick to the point and I've no idea who your controllers are.


If you wanted to say "crap" you can. The swear filter on AB allows that. If you write "crepe" you simply remind people that they've not had their tea yet.

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