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yeh but - ECHR will overrule........

it's not over till the fat lady sings - there probably is one on the ECHR.

Time we left the ECHR.  It's not fit for purpose.

If the racist murder of three young girls was not enough to provoke these latest riots,just imagine the riots if this terrorist was to be allowed back into the country?

16.19. Please tell us how you know that the motive was racist.

Not saying it's just that but I would discount the "racist" element only if black/coloured people where among those assaulted.

@16.48.Black victim,white perpeprator-racist.White victims,black perpetrator-not racist.Aye,right.

Don't count your chickens, Labour are in power.

Do not count your chickens, as they say:

"In their ruling, the justices found it was a matter for the European court to decide whether the process to deprive Ms Begum of British citizenship should have considered whether she was a potential victim of trafficking.

The Supreme Court justices also affirmed an earlier ruling which found those concerns had no material bearing on the decision under UK law."

Why are they saying that? It is a matter for the UK judicial system to decide on matters of law in the UK. And they wonder why people are taking to the streets. 

The highest court in teh UK has stated that it is no for them to make the final decision on whether a person has UK citizenship or not. What other country (outside those which subscribe to te ECHR) would pu up with that? 

It is precisely this sort of overruling situation that ensured we had to leave the EU, regardless how vulnerable some citizens feel without an outside elite to control us.


So why have we only gone part way and are still in the thrall of European courts ?


I know some claim we don't have to comply with it's decisions but to do otherwise goes against the idea of rule of law. And the very idea our courts explicitly state they will yield to such an external court, and wash their hands of making any final decision, is beyond rational comprehension.

Do I understand correctly that the highest court in the land has upheld the decision that this aberrations revocation of her citizenship is lawful, but the European court could overrule the decision?


That's bananas.


If they do, what would happen if we said F You, this monster isn't allowed back?

How could she be considered a victim of trafficking given she had the gumption to make he own way to that toilet of a country?

Imagine a white girl, some 14 years of age, who lived in a northern town.  This same girl has been groomed and then abused by a fiendish gang with roots in the Indian sub-continent.  After a time she escapes from their clutches and wants to remake her life.

How are we to treat her now she's a young adult?  Should she be helped because she was a child victim or treated with contempt because she's no better than she should be?

Strong meds or alcohol?


Would you humour an old ABer and treat my post at 21:47 as though it was written by someone who was neither heavily medicated or intoxicated?

There is a lonely deckchair on a beach in Cyprus she could visit next to another terrorist traitor 😀

She wasn't groomed.

Oh yes, she was.

No she wasn't.  Her father was filmed at extremist meetings long before she decided to leave.  

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what a load of old pony from the Terrorist friend above! She was not groomed she went of her own accord to get knocked up by ISIS scum, it didn't work out how she hoped so now she wants the benefits of living in a civilised nation.  End of.

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