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Everybody does, don't they ?

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I think that's 'hurts', OG

Take comfort in your friends...

There are a few comedians on AB who can't tell the difference between criticising a government's actions against an enemy and being anti-Semitic.

The war will continue for decades, it has already been decades since it started.


I suppose that's his chance of a Royal Variety appearance scuppered now.

the Jewish Chronicle newspaper being behind a paywall, saying it was "typical Jews"

yup, that's anti-Semitic. Nothing wrong the the gag before that, though.

If something offends someone but amuses me I'd hazard a guess that's why I smile more than them.

@21.29.But this wasnt criticising a governments actions this was open intimidation and targetting of a Jewish couple.Sounds like anti-semitism to me.

🥱 being offended at its best😏

Bit more than that, he targetted two people for the baying mob. 

Daft thing to do but he has appologised so move on.

Who was the comedian who used to include the following joke in hs act during the 70s/80s?

"Are there any Irish in, tonight?" Then, in response to a few cheers of affirmation, "Right, i'll leave when you do." Cue laughter from all, including those who had earlier cheered.

Don't recall a fuss beng made back then. Some are too easily offended. And some are far too easily offended on behalf of others.

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