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I'd Forgotten How Nasty The Lefties Are.....

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ToraToraTora | 21:55 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | News
62 Answers

We can afford to give £11.6bn to foriegners for "climate change" yet 10million pensioners must freeze. Nice one Robber Reeves! They always used to say the Tories were the nasty party!



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My issue isn't that they're taking away the payment (although (if I understand correctly) those on more than £11k will no longer get it - this is a tiny income, so why can't they peg it at, say, £30k) my issue is the breathtaking hypocrisy of SKS who stood up in Parliament and had a go at Sunak who he accused of considering taking the payment away.


I can't think of a new Govenment ever being as incompetent as these clowns in their first 6 weeks.

ynnafymmi, "like the SNP sending money out to the Palestinian terrorists?"

'On the Scottish funding, the agency wrote: "Scottish funding within the UNRWA appeal has been used to contribute towards supporting lifesaving activities targeting vulnerable groups (children, women, and elderly) with protection and emergency hygiene needs."'

Aye,hun,you nae think this money hasnt been"appropriated"by the Hamas terrorists for their own ends?

Too true, Deskdiary at 16.04.

O_G Yes, our pensions are still miserably low compared to most European countries.  We knew a chap who had done 1 year Nat. Service in France - he got an extra pension for it.  OH served 2 yrs. in UK Nat. Service - zilch; he even had to buy his own veteran's badge. 

If you earn a pound a week over the Benefit limit, you'd have £52 a year more than someone who (if o. 80) gets £300 heating allowance.

Charities are already screaming that they will suffer because so many people who don't need it, won't be donating it.  Also if people are struggling- they will also cut back sharply on their donations.

"I'd Forgotten How Nasty The Lefties Are"

As head of rightist propaganda and repetition I doubt it.

For those to receive the payment this year based on age, folk need to have been born before 23rd September 1958.

Is it fair for those born on that date, not to receive it based on their age?

All such cut off points seem to produce unfairness. I suppose it would overtax the bean counters brains to introduce some sort of sliding scale. Not worth their time really.🙄

Is it fair for this Labour Government to take it away given they tore into Sunak with the suggestion he was going to take it away?


Can we at least agree that Labour are hypocrites? And if we can't, I'm really looking forward to the spin as to why they arn't.

Even with a sliding scale such as reducing benefit by a fixed amount per £X above a certain amount, as with pension credit there will always be those whose income wipes out entitlement.

With pension credit, if you have more than £10,000 in savings, every £500 over that amount counts as £1 income a week.  

Someone with £15,000 would be treated as having £10 per week as income, on top of their pension, for example and that could mean no entitlement to the pension credit.

There have to be qualifying conditions for means-tested benefits whether by age or income and regardless of whether it's a fixed rate or a sliding scale, there will always be folk who "only just" miss out.

If there were no qualifying conditions, every benefit would be payable to every individual.

Some people do not need their state pension,that doe not mean it should be stopped or means tested for everyone,as for fraser nelsons friend buying a bottle of wine and sharing it with friends what's wrong with that?seems to me a nice thing to do.

"Some people do not need their state pension,that doe not mean it should be stopped or means tested for everyone"

State Pension isn't being stopped or means-tested though, is it?

Isn't it a bit like saying that you've paid car insurance for many years and made no claims, now you're making a claim, but you have sufficient funds to pay for the damage yourself, so F off!  ?

No but the winter fuel allowance is.

//“A millionaire I know has a tradition every year: he buys a bottle of vintage wine with his winter fuel payment and invites friends to drink it."//

Red herring.

99% of the pensioners who'll lose the WFA are not millionaires. Many will have incomes of maybe £12000-15000 pa- and have probably never seen or tasted a vintage wine

"State Pension isn't being stopped or means-tested though, is it?"


Not yet.


KHANDRO, who has paid what in expectation of receiving the Winter Fuel Payment?

Just read in todays newspaper that members of the cabinet are claiming heating allowance to warm their 2nd homes.  I am glad that my winter fuel allowance is helping out the needy!

TTT so you agree all pensioners regardless of their income should get a tax funded benefit for winter fuel? Even mick jagger lord sugar and those pensioners living the high life in Spain?. Nothing will change for those pensioners on pension credit . Your post is worthy of the sivvle-eye looney brigade. 

Another thing, if you have savings which stops you receiving winter fuel allowance then why would you be sitting in a house freezing? Pay the blinking bill out off your savings 🙄

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