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The Rioters Who Have Been Imprisoned,...

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sandyRoe | 11:29 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | News
12 Answers

...will there be a list of their names, prison numbers, and locations, where those of a like mind could send Christmas cards?



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bored again sandy? get a life.

Aye Sandy, get a life, like davebro3. 😂

Anyway, no plans for such a present.

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What's AB for if it's not to while away a while?

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Jeez, plenty have got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning 

Maybe they could follow the IRA terrorists leads and go on hunger strike,they could also nominate one of them to be a MP like the IRA did with one of their terrorist friends.Sorted.

no I think they disappear into the system

even  the sentencing does not involve naming the prison - and anyway they move.

( system for POW camps very difft and THAT was a long time ago)

I strongly suspect many of these will be repeat offenders which is why the coppers were able to round them up so quickly.

And no, you wont get any lists any more than you would for any other crime.  If however you want the details ask the Courts.

I think the prisoner has to agree to receiving (such) communications.

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I wasn't thinking of an official list, but rather one compiled by some far-right organisation.  They might use the prisoners as some sort of rallying point.

Incidentally, they wouldn't be getting support from me or, I suppose, any decent law-abiding people.

//I wasn't thinking of an official list, but rather one compiled by some far-right organisation.  They might use the prisoners as some sort of rallying point.//

I doubt that very much, for one thing it is not just the far right who have had enough and secondly I would bet many of those jailed wouldnt know the right side of their backside let alone poltics.  They are the criminal scum that attach themselves to all such protests, left and right simply so that thay can go looting.  And looking at the shops some of them looted my guess is many also share a brain cell.

Of course, if you want to send a xmas card feel free Sandy, perhaps send your name to the Old Bill so they can add your name to the list to save them the bother of tracking you down?

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Read the last paragraph of my post at 8:12.

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