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I do find it funny how those on AB who rubbished the last Government are now absent that their party is massively swrewing up. Had the Tory Govt stole the winter allowance there'd be the now absent AB members skipping to their keyboards with spittle coming out of their mouths to pile in. But they're now all silent.  Funny that. I wonder why.
21:16 Sun 18th Aug 2024

I see what you've done there TTT - nice one.


I thought the Labour government would be a new start for British politics.No corruption,no jobs for the boys type stuff.Some hope,looks like the socialists are just as bad if not worse than the Tories.Miffy despairs.

I expect to see more of these in the future TTT.

Aide-mémoire pour les bleus, avec mercis au les jaunes.

Lest we forget. x

"I thought the Labour government would be a new start for British politics."

There will never be  new start for UK politics whilst these two things prevail:

1. The same two teams keep getting into the final (i.e. a GE is always a contest between Labour and Conservative). 

2. The Civil Service is able to obstruct policies they do not like.

Why hark back oh witty one. We're looking forwards now and enjoying the many Labour F Ups,

Harking back is a tool used to stop the rewriting of history, pet.

Now come on, turn that frown upside down, etc. x

I do find it funny how those on AB who rubbished the last Government are now absent that their party is massively swrewing up.


Had the Tory Govt stole the winter allowance there'd be the now absent AB members skipping to their keyboards with spittle coming out of their mouths to pile in. But they're now all silent. 

Funny that. I wonder why.

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Yeah I wondered that DD, not seen some of them for days. I guess opposition was a lot easier.

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