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Do You Think Donald Trump Is 'A Very Bright Person'?

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sandyRoe | 18:20 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | News
68 Answers

He's just said that a lot of people think he is, and then went on to say that his Democratic opponent isn't.



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I don't think he's as clever as Putin - but I know which one I would prefer as my president.

19:43 you are accusing me sunshine, put up or shut up.

my post at 19:47 was in response to this from Doug at 19:43

"Do your own homwework, lazy boy!"


Worthy of The Donald himself, getting others to do the work while he barks orders like a deranged fatty, expecting compliance.

> He's just said that a lot of people think he is, and then went on to say that his Democratic opponent isn't.

Well that wasn't very smart ...

Trump is stupid. That's in addition to being a malignant narcissist.

He is a perfect storm of a person that you wouldn't want in charge of anything, let alone the most powerful country in the world.

Try listening to one of his speeches or interviews all the way through.


doug 1958: So you shout your gob off and you expect me to search my posts to find one that helps you? Right oh! I don't have to, I know I never do that, ever and not just on here.

Calm now son, you'll do yourself a mischief. x

so no evidence then? Just rent a mouth, figures.

I was going to respond to Tora's 19:03 post the same way Doug did, but seeing Tora's desire for anyone to dig through the 60k or so posts he's made in the past for evidence, I won't bother. 

20:25 wise because it doesn't exist, it's a core value of mine. No doubt the site nitpickers will be doing it for you anyway.

TTT posted //the world is full of people like hymie who exclaim that anyone who does not agree with them must be dim//


Whenever I have pointed out what an idiot a person is, I have invariably posted details of that persons views/behaviour that makes them an idiot; not that it is because they do not agree with me.


Case in point, that idiot Nigel Farage, who felt it appropriate to claim that he got his information that the person who killed the three young girls in Southport was an asylum seeker – from none other than Andrew Tate.


If you thought Andrew Tate was in anyway knowledgeable on this issue, then you too are severely lacking in metal capacity (like Farage).


I could go on to list numerous things Farage has said and done that makes him an idiot – but life’s too short.

20:34, have a day off you have said many times that anyone who voted for brexit is thick. End of.


20:51 what's that? someone else like you who thinks you are dim if you do not hold the same view?

Bright? Don't know - focused, yes.  Harris, bright? Don't know - sly and opportunist, yes, I think.  Either way I am no more optimistic than I was optimistic when the choice was Trump or Biden.  Harris could be worse than Biden.  

Were all doomed!

One word- narcissist


Despite me posting on an almost daily basis, different aspects of the disaster Brexit is for the UK, Brexiteers still claim it to be some fantastic success – how stupid can you get?

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