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Do You Think Donald Trump Is 'A Very Bright Person'?

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sandyRoe | 17:20 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | News
68 Answers

He's just said that a lot of people think he is, and then went on to say that his Democratic opponent isn't.



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21:10 QED!

He must be bright. He did exceptionally well in a cognitive test (sir, no one's ever scored that high before) and he has the highest IQ of any president ever. 

I’m glad you agree with me TTT, Brexiteers really are stupid.

so we are stupid because our view of "success" is different to yours. Right oh!

"Brexiteers really are stupid." - at 20:34 you claimed that you don't do that. Now you contradict yourself.

And his uncle was a top professor at MIT.  Some genetic influence there.

Hymie 21.14  Have to agree with you .All Brexiteers are stupid especially the leader of the AB  Brexit Party. End of me old China.

Is the multi millionaire donald trump a very bright person, let me think about that one.

How on earth can anyone get Brexit into a post about Trump?  This is really below comprehension.

And what conclusion have you come to, fripfrip?

He's a very rich,lives in a very big beautiful house,does not have to worry about the next bill dropping on the door mat,let me ponder that one my friend.

Don't understand your logic, fripfrip. Are you equating wealth with intelligence?

NJ seems to making the same mistake re – Farage.

Would a very bright person suggest injecting bleach into folk to treat an infection?

His $$$$ were inherited from his father and he has tried very hard in the intervening years to lose much of it.

This is an excellent book about the Donald for anyone interested in the making of the man;

Mary L Trump - Too much and never enough

Quantifying concepts like intelligence is really very tricky.

It is possible to be accademically superior, and have no common sense whatsoever.

Similarly, it is possible to parlay a particulare skill into making a lot of money, without any intellectual accumen at all.

It's clear that President Trump is not a stupid man in a number of areas.

Sadly, the areas in which he is stupid, the inability to filter what he says before it comes out of his mouth being the most obvious, are somewhat highlighted by his past and possibly future profession.

I doubt he has ever read a book from cover to cover, but I don't think he is 'very bright' at all.

Bright people tend to be more rounded individuals, and Trump is anything but that.

It depends how you define Bright🤔

He's bright enough to become POTUS.

They are not very good at choosing though

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