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Do You Think Donald Trump Is 'A Very Bright Person'?

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sandyRoe | 18:20 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | News
68 Answers

He's just said that a lot of people think he is, and then went on to say that his Democratic opponent isn't.



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No, I don't. I hardly see him as a 'person', in the sense of being a sane and decent human being. 

Is he referring to his skin colour?

He's almost as old as Biden.

-- answer removed --

One thing - just before it goes - although the "to and fro" about age and infirmity has died ( ha!) down - - "the spector is still on the stage" ( Hey Macbethy or what?)

that is the spector of infirmity is still  there but  used against Trump not by him

The trumpers screamed in agreement

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He seems to have none of the virtues that go towards making a decent person and many of the vices of a bad 'un.

projects a much zanier, oldish man now that Biden has gone

I mean. 'I am priddier than Karmellor' Jesus

Trump is way beyond pathetic. Doesn't even no how to run a business properly. Kamala is going to destroy him in the debates

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It would be poetic justice if his jibes directed at Biden were turned against him.

Doesn't even know how to run a business properly. 

not according to him (often forgets the $100m float his Dad gave him)


Bright..... Well possibly a fraction brighter than those who vote for him but the correct terms are dim, and dimmer

pointless question, the world is full of people like hymie who exclaim that anyone who does not agree with them must be dim.

Donald Duck and Boris de Pfeffel  Both born in New York. .....Both idiots.

Shame that he seems the best the USA can come up with,  someone who seems to hold half the population in contempt, despite this that  half includes a lot of supporters, I put some of it down to a number of  women voting for who they are told to by their menfolk,    

I don't see either of the US candidates being that bright. But DT at least can point to some things he correctly predicted.

His maths isn't great:


Donald Trump lives in a penthouse that he says is on the 66th to 68th floors of his eponymous building. There's only one problem with that: According to New York City documents, Trump Tower has only 58 floors.

That's what they want you to think.

"pointless question, the world is full of people like hymie who exclaim that anyone who does not agree with them must be dim."

You could put just about any name in there, Tora, including your own.

As to the question, Trump isn't bright at all, just a boorish bully.

19:32 I have never said people are dim just for not agreeing with me. I don't do that, find me an example.

Do your own homwework, lazy boy!

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