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Freedom of Movement

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gulliver1 | 15:07 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | News
41 Answers

Sir Keir Starmer said to be prepared to relax Freedom of Movement rules with the EU.The Brexiteer are Fuming. Good. Is this stage one of the beginning of rejoining the EU.     Hope so.



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Naomi 16.11 You probably haven't even noticed but your party have not yet found a new  leader  to steer you towards the next iceberg. Unless Gormless Dowden is in charge ..      Gawd elp you!

Gulliver 16.09  In case you haven't noticed many Labour MP's were elected with very small majorities. For example where I live the Labour man got in with a majority of 39, and is already causing disappointment with the voters as he doesn't answer anybody's enquiries, either by letter or email.  If there was to be a by election tommorow that 39 majority would soon disappear.  The way that Labour are behaving, especially Reeves, I am sure there are many Labour MP's in a similiar position.

I should have also added that only 20% of voters, voted for the Labour Party.  The other 80% were opposed to having them in Government. 

"I should have also added that only 20% of voters, voted for the Labour Party.  The other 80% were opposed to having them in Government. "

I don't get involved in gulliver's thread as a general rule, but just a point of order. You can't say that, gramps. 

Whilst we know that only 20% of those registered to vote voted Labour, we don't know whether the remaining 80% were all opposed to having them in government. We only know that half of the remainder (40%) were opposed to a Labour government (because they voted for somebody else). The other 40% did not vote at all and you can draw no conclusions about their preferred government. 

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Gramps 85. At the end of the day although it hurts you to see a Labour Govt in Power .It actually  delights me to see the working class taxpayers money not being given to the likes of Boris to spend on leg overs or being trousered by Tory MPs .Even if the Doctors NHS staff and the workers are being looked after by Sir Keir.

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Gramps ..Not forgetting the present Labour Govt has such a huge majority. Dwarfing the measly 80 seat majority that Boris had,, Labour can push anything they want to through Parliament with such a magnificent majority .

Dame Priti Patel ..remember her...says it is staggering that the new Labour Govt are even considering relaxing FOM with The EU......... Whoo hoo ..get her.

if it  good for the economy, good for UK plc, and good for the young people then why should the far-right of the UK object ?  we arent threatening to foorce them into boats and make them wear rubber moustaches

"if it  good for the economy,..."

But it isn't, Peter. You can rest assured that far more from the EU will make their way to the UK than vice versa and apart from anything else there is nowhere for them to live.


As I have said before on AB, the pattern is the same.  Lots of Tory rule and then a shortage of fresh blood  and ideas. In comes  Labour.  Total car crash, mega regrets from the Country and back to a long Tory encampment. That is the pattern. Gully is right to think a massive majority can achieve much, but to win again thus making ten years is a total no no. The grey voter will see to that. 

TORATORATORA, here's one link for you,

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TCL 10.24....Spoilsport

Corby, your link isn't working.  I'll have a go.


Another U-turn by the multi-faced Starmer.

Why is this troll post still here?

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Spungle 10,36 ........."Why is this troll post still here"...... Because it is only a troll post in your opinion and the subject of this thread upsets your train of thought .Try Going out more and mixing with people.


The 'trolling' if it is that only works because people respond to this goading. I'm sure the OP has tissues and/or spare PMSL nappies at the ready in his room every time he starts a new thread. 

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11.34 NMA     If my threads upset you that much.              Stay away.   It's as simple as that . OK.

I was talking to Spungle not you. Okay?

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Getting back to the thread. I think it's a good idea for Sir Keir and his new Govt to keep in contact with the EU ...        "United we stand divided we fall"

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It would be good to work together as a team with the EU.

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All Starmer is trying to do is fix the Botched Brexit deal that a previous Tory Pm mucked up.

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