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Freedom of Movement

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gulliver1 | 15:07 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | News
41 Answers

Sir Keir Starmer said to be prepared to relax Freedom of Movement rules with the EU.The Brexiteer are Fuming. Good. Is this stage one of the beginning of rejoining the EU.     Hope so.



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Oh dear - the Righties will Riot again.


That would be the most ridiculous and anti-working class thing he could do. He really doesn't seem to value his, or his party's reputation.

do you have any sort of link to the details of this ?


Though Consertive Prime Minister Edward Heath joined us into the European club without consulting the electorate, that would not be possible now. Starmer cannot just join us up again. It is not going to happen - he has aleady said so.

What he has said is that he wants better rlations with the EU without joining its institutions again.

I suspect he will commission in a few years a review of leaving the EU and ask for recommendations. 

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Sadiq Khan the Labour Mayor of London has also sparked fears and tears amongst Brexiteers, as he suggests Britain  could very well rejoin the EU.Under a Labour Govt.

I interpret that as meaning he desires as BRINO as he can possibly get away with.

Anything Sadiq Khan says can be ignored. It never seems to make sense.

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Dame Priti Patel ..remember her...says it is staggering that the new Labour Govt are even considering relaxing FOM with The EU......... Whoo hoo ..get her.

// Britain  could very well rejoin the EU. Under a Labour Govt. //

Any Government could rejoin us to the EU but it is unlikely to be this one without a referendum.   
A future Labour Government might put in their manifesto, and if elected, follow through with that. But that will be in 5 or 10 years at the earliest.

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Patel says the British public and I backed Brexit because we wanted to take back control of our own Borders says she. Well she and her party didn't achieve that did they when they were in power for 14 years.

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Canary 15.09 "The Righties will Riot again" Too true spot on.

Starmer, who has always been vague about how much he’ll reduce immigration, faces a dilemma. He quickly scrapped the Rwanda scheme, which might have deterred illegal immigration, while introducing new measures, such as reuniting Afghan families, that could lead to chain migration.

The biggest potential issue is Starmer’s willingness to restore a form of free movement with the EU, contradicting his promise not to. A proposed youth mobility scheme would allow EU nationals under 30 to live and work in the UK for up to three years, with reciprocal rights for young Brits in the EU. However, given the high youth unemployment in countries like Spain and Italy, this could attract large numbers of young Europeans to the UK, potentially overwhelming the system.

If this happens, Starmer risks repeating Tony Blair’s miscalculations during the A8 and A2 EU enlargements, which underestimated the number of arrivals. The consequences could be severe: higher rents and house prices, lower wages in low-skilled jobs, and a deepening public sense of betrayal.   Certainly no cause for any "whoo hoo".

gromit: // Britain  could very well rejoin the EU. Under a Labour Govt. //Any Government could rejoin us to the EU but it is unlikely to be this one without a referendum.   
A future Labour Government might put in their manifesto, and if elected, follow through with that. But that will be in 5 or 10 years at the earliest.

They'll be out in 5 years, have you seen the disaster in only 7 weeks? the country would be a basket case after 5 years at that rate!

I agree, TTT.   Even if they get as far as the next scheduled election - which on their performance so far is not a given - their feet won't touch the ground.

is there any sort of link to this story?

There is a difference between regaining responsibility and having the courage to do what is needed. Free movement would give less ability to exercise any control and thus would be a retrograde move. You need Farage in number 10 to get things sorted. But even he wouldn't be perfect.

//is there any sort of link to this story? //

there's loads. just google "under 30 free movement" 

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In your dreams Naomi. The Cons are finished now for at least the next ten years..Can't wait see who the Cons are going to lash to wheel of steering The good ship Tory Titanic into the next Iceberg...Got the popcorn ready.

Who says the Cons will replace them, Gulliver?  You must lead a very sheltered life.  

16:03 I'm hoping to find the correct story that the OP is wishing to discuss.

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