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Jermaine Sacked

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Canary42 | 17:30 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | News
22 Answers

Shame. BBC have sacked Germaine Jenas. I've always regarded him as their best football pundit, a lot less up his own backside than most.                                               






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so what did he do?

Sorry cant do links - it was to do with complaints about workplace conduct.

yeah is says that in the link but what specifically?

Must have been pretty bad if there's no clamour for his return.

I suppose it will come out eventually.

Until the answer comes out who knows, a lot of people thought Rolf Harris was alright until he was found out, then their was J Savile, enough said about him.

Unsolicited texts to a female member of staff

Sacked BBC presenter Jenas says there are 'two sides to every story'

It's one of those annoying stories: Someone did something considered by some to be a bit naughty and got fired. We'll leave you to guess what it was. My guess is some sort neo fascist thing that was once fine but not anymore.

Apologies the link didn't work 

For some reason I cannot get the daily mail to link across 

Taken from the daily mail 

The TV host, 41, was fired this week, with the BBC confirming that Jenas is 'no longer part of our presenting line-up'.

The female member of staff claimed she received unsolicited communications via text from Jenas, The Sun reported.

Breaking his silence over the claims, a spokesperson for Jenas said: 'Right now I can't talk about it.

'I can tell you I'm not happy - there are two sides to every story - and I'm going to be speaking with my lawyers on the issue.' 

According to the BBC, the ex-Premier League footballer's 'contract was terminated earlier this week, because of alleged issues relating to workplace behaviour'. 

TTT - The BBC don't terminate contracts without good reason and evidence, too much chance of litigation these days.

You can be pretty sure they know they are on safe ground.

Expect the gentleman to huff and puff about lawyers, and then go quiet.

He was sacked for spreading misinformation.

Probably used the wrong pronoun!

He was spreading it around that Tottenham hotspur could win a trophy this year.

19:28 ...definately a sacking offence😀

From The Times, could be significant?

Jenas has also been dropped by his agent M&C Saatchi Merlin, which has deleted his profile from its website.

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After the Jimmy Savile, Stuart Hall, Rolf Harris, and Cliff Richard episodes the BBC are over-sensitive to the possibility of criticsm (and litigation) and I think Jermaine is an unfortunate victim of this thin-skinned-ness. Unfortunately for the BBC, it may well rebound.

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