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Storm In A Teacup?

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douglas9401 | 19:19 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | News
18 Answers

Hot on the heels of the roaring success of their deposit return scheme the greatest brains in Scotland have come up with this:



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It's been a significant success here in Kerry - much less litter from lazy tourists.

Killarney has gone one step further and there are now no outlets using disposable cups - you bring your own or buy a 'souvenir' mug for around €4 - that concentrates the minds of even the terminally lazy/forgetful after a few days.

I envy you your wonderful government Dougie!

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The guerilla gardeners in our village are at odds with one particular scruffy garagist - they are contemplating this ...

more tax on the working class, to pay for the immigrants!! britain first.

Dave, scruffy garagist.  As PP would say - what dat den?

Those displays are very well done.  I like the truck one best.

It's ok Edinburgh will get the dosh off the tourists:


It makes perfect sense to me.

Many (most?) burger vans now charge more for a takeaway tea or coffee than they do for one served in a china mug (either a mug provided by the burger van's proprietor or one brought by the customer).  Admittedly, that's solely based upon the actual cost of providing paper cups but it's not inconsistent with the green aims of the Scottish government.

Likewise, Starbucks have been charging extra for single-use cups across the UK for ages now:

All throwaway cups have to be disposed of somehow. That costs money and the money should come from those who use them. The world needs to realise that we can't go on the way we used to.

Great idea. It'll run the profiteering coffee shops into the ground and increase the selling of thermos flasks. Bound to benefit all.

Seems to be a tax pure and simple, this rather gives it away: //This includes single-use cups marketed as "biodegradable" or "compostable".//

However I must admit I sort of like the idea of getting rid of single use anything.

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I've just come up with a belt hook to attach your personal mug, like the one all the trend-obsessed did with keys back in the day.

I'm going to be minted once I appear on The One Show to promote it.

Bit risky Doug, hot liquid slopping about in the genital area 😀

25p wouldn't put me off. However, the no availability of single use cups would definitely stop me buying a drink. I don't want to walk around with a cup in my bag on the off chance that I'd fancy a coffee whilst I'm out and about.

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The hook is for the empty cup, Canary, once filled it'll sit on my patented pop-up side shelf, available from Amazon.

Folk love a gadget.

// I'm going to be minted once I appear on The One Show to promote it. //

no inappropriate behaviour, mind..........

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