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Derek’s Easy Peasy Quiz. Cd. 14/10.

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Maisie Doats | 14:26 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers

WHO ...... ?

1. Failed to shoot the former head of Leningrad KGB ?
4. Wanted Donald to give her a part in his next film ?
8. Changed trains in Berlin ?
17. Was smiled on by the Colonel's daughter ?



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8. Mr Norris changes Trains. Christopher Isherwood

17 Mad Carew from The Green Eye of the Little Yellow God

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Thank you Mallyh. I remember the poem from years ago but hadn't  associated the question with that. 
Thanks also Kettledrum.  It sounds feasible but just trying to find the part in the story where he changed trains in Berlin as the Title doesn't confirm this.  

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Derek’s Easy Peasy Quiz. Cd. 14/10.

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