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I Wondered When Labour Would Get Around To This.....

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ToraToraTora | 18:51 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | News
61 Answers

We know they are riddled with anti semites so hardy surprising they want to defend their "freedom fighter" buddies.



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Supporting their main core voters

Not giving Israel the tools to commit genocide is not anti semetic.

They won't want the arms manufacturers to be affected by production cuts. Probably sell the weapons to Hamas instead.


completely agree with this decision. we should not sell arms to a government like israel's. 

Israel is fighting a war with Hamas.  As a nation we are either standing with Israel, or we aren't.  I agree with Sir Ephraim Mirvis that this "feeds the falsehood that Israel is in breach of international humanitarian law and it beggars belief that the British government, a close strategic ally of Israel, has announced a partial suspension of arms licences, at a time when Israel" is fighting a war" and criticising "the timing of the announcement on a second front, which he said came as "six hostages murdered in cold blood by cruel terrorists were being buried by their families".

Surprise surprise.  Still friends of Hamas.  Same old Labour.

Still too many friends of Hamas also on this site Stableford.Same old Answerbank.

Too true ynnafymmi.


"Not giving Israel the tools to commit genocide is not anti semetic."

Have you recently looked up the definition of "genocide" and then examined whether it applies to Israael or Hamas?

Clearly not NJ, but then the left love hyperbole.

I'm not surprised at all, and Lammy appears to be hiding behind "Interrnational law" whatever that is.

It is interesting though to note it is not a full embargo just a token (At present) so I suspect their Hamas friends will still not be happy.  Once again Labour pees everyone off!

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Johnk: "Not giving Israel the tools to commit genocide is not anti semetic." - another terrorist puppet with no idea what genocide is.

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untitled: "completely agree with this decision. we should not sell arms to a government like israel's. " - You mean a government trying to protect itself from by baby beheading terrorists that want to wipe it off the map? Standard left wing approach, side with the terrorists.

To be fair TTT it's generally the FAR left who support Hamas, Commies like COB.

320 export licenses remain unaffected.   
They have suspended 30 which they think make us complicit in war crimes.   
An astute precaution.

Pure hypocrisy are we all so applying the same to Ukraine ,Saudi Arabi, etc etc pure gesture signalling and placating the Muslim vote.

One might think that, but it inevitably sends a message, deliberately or not. If it makes little difference then why make, what appears to be a tacit statement, at all ?


Seems to be creating controversy for the sake of it.

Sir Ephraim would say that, wouldn't he?

"Sir Ephraim would say that, wouldn't he?"  As Chief Rabbi, he knows a thing or two about antisemitism and Labour's record, yes.

And your point is?

Labour MP Graham Stringer actually talks common sense on this issue: “Jeremy [Corbyn] went past any possible defence of him and his politics when he laid a wreath for Black September in Tunisia. Black September, you'll remember, were a group that murdered Israeli athletes of the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.

“They murdered them because they were Jewish for no other reason. It was a racist murder. So I think that put Jeremy beyond the pale.

“He's always referred to Hamas in Gaza as ‘friends’ so I suppose he is happier now he wouldn't have to dance on the head of a pin about whether he really is friends with terrorist organisations or not.

“‘Pro-Hamas’, I think, rather than Palestine. Many of us would make that distinction, who want justice for the people who live in Gaza, but that's impossible while they are repressed by the terrorist organisation Hamas.

“I didn't go to any of those constituencies during the General Election, but I have talked to people who did. And it was straightforward politics of telling people in the mosques to support them, that the Labour Party was anti-Muslim, which we're not, and to vote for them because they were supporting Hamas and the Palestinians in Gaza.

“And all the other issues that those constituencies have, those constituencies, not only have large numbers of Muslims, there are other problems of, obviously, an education in those constituencies that weren't dealt with.

“And I don't know the man, but I watched the maiden speech of the member of Leicester South, and it was quite simply appalling. It was a massive distortion of what had actually happened in that election.

“If you listen to the speech, it was all peace and light; all the candidates were friends. It was nonsense and offensive.

“I know that the UK probably provides less than 1% of Israel's defence, and most of it is not used in the conflict with Hamas or Hezbollah for that matter.

“So I don't know the details, but when Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran have as their policy the eradication of Israel and the murder of Jews, then Israel and the Jews who live in Israel have an absolute right to defend themselves.

“They're our allies, and we should provide them with the equipment to defend themselves."

Shame this guy isn't the Foreign Secretary.  Instead we have Dimwit Lammy.

israel's behaviour has gone far beyond "self defence" ttt. they've killed plenty of babies and children too and i do not want my country to be involved in that. 

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