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ToraToraTora | 11:51 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | News
10 Answers

Mr C. Riminal, how was your experience in our charming bijou suite?



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"A Police Scotland spokesperson said the survey would help the service understand whether people were provided appropriate support and referrals."

Thus proving conclusively that the police (or in this case the pole-iss) is now a fully fledged branch of the Social Services.

The function of police cells is to keep suspected miscreants locked up until they are either released or taken to court. And that's it. I wonder if respondents are asked whether they would recommend the particular McNick to a friend?  🀣 


I'm guessing most responses will be a one word reply; Pish.

This country has gone barmy!

The whole idea of ratings / experience has gone competely stupid. I saw, and orderd, and paid for a cooker element online from a well known cooker manufacturer. It came within 3 working days as stated. For 3 weeks now on and off they continue to send me emails asking me to rate my experience. What a load of tosh, I bought it, you sent it, so what?

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I know does my loaf in, every thing you do is followed by a "rate your experience" follow up. I usually ignore.

Up in Scotland it might be-"Hello Ms Sturgeon,hello Mr Murrell how did your experience in jail go".πŸ€”

Perhaps the plan is to put the perps into airbnb pads to make room for us in jail, and then put all the illegals into our homes. Sorted. 

"" I was very disappointed with my overnight stay in Maitland Police Station Glasgow. Just not worth the inconvenience for an adventure that did not meet expected standards. Not one copper kneed me in the fork with any malice, or violent intent, and the  manner of all the officers on duty was not at all menacing and alarming. The food was far too palatable and had not even been tampered with in an attempt to give me a nast bout of the squits. As for the sleeping arrangements   ...   far too comfortable and no attemp at all was made to keep me awake all night. The lighting was also far too ambient whereas these places should have lights that suggest interogation is liable at any moment. Warm and cosy in fact. Very dissatisfied, I will not be back.""  

^^ The above Review was quoted from DripadvisorπŸŸ’πŸ‘€by a Mr Nicky Yaloot.

Trip advisor for crims

Once when asked for feedback I replied,"Why should I, you didn't do anything about my previous one".

Pointless I know, but made me feel better πŸ˜  πŸ˜  πŸ˜  πŸ˜  πŸ˜  

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