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Generation Z. In Drive To Reverse Brexit.

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gulliver1 | 10:54 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | News
117 Answers

If another Referendum was held today it would result in Brexit being reversed says the latest poll. A clear majority of all voters say they would opt to rejoin the EU.Overwhelming support to rejoin came from Gen Z.



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//// And still he drones on and on and on Zzzzzzz.////My word,the intellectual power required to form that constructive comment beggars belief.
00:16 Mon 16th Sep 2024

Errr,i was referring to the posting @15.18 regarding Labours postings and promises before the election.WFA? Winter Fuel Allowance.You taking the pee now gromit?

Labour did not mention WFA in their election manifesto. Such a commitment to retain WFA was noticably absent from their Election manifesto, as was pointed out in June.


I used an acroynm finder and there were hundreds of WFAs. As it was completely off topic to Brexit, I genuinely did not know what you were on about.

Err,didnt Starmer state that there would be 4000 deaths of old people if the WFA was not kept?He seems to be pretty quiet about his lies now.

Maybe he doesn't belive that they are lies. Maybe he honestly believes his decision will remove that many pensioners from the pension bill.

Your being disingenuous Gromit.


Starmer had a go at Sunak over the suggestion the WFA would be yanked, and their own study suggested 4000 pensioners could die if it was pulled, so to any objective observer  it was implied they wouldn't punish pensioners by pulling it regardless that their manifesto was silent on it.

Most of the things blamed on Brexit are off-topic to Brexit.

BA to the above three postings gulliver?

Indeed, DD.  They're full of surprises - and more to come.

Could I point out that for every 12 yr-old who currently would reverse Brexit, an older Gen Z would be maturing  as adults and understanding why we need to stay outof the EU, thereby replacing some of those dying-off. 

-- answer removed --

Most of the things blamed on Brexit are off-topic to Brexit.

excuse me ! excusez-moi - scoo-thi !

Most of the things blamed on Brexit are off-topic to AB. (rule 5 only mimsy things can be allowed to appear on AB)

Since the referendum Gilly has been sitting in the corner with his knees pulled up to his chest, gently rocking.

Damn autocorrect. Sorry to change your sex Gully. It wasn't intentional.

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OG 16.16 "Maybe he doesn't believe that they are lies"          How pot and Kettle OG ...Reminds me of a certain Tory PM who even lied to the Queen I will not mention his name of course not on AB .

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16.52 Apology accepted Hopgirl.

Same as the lies we have been told to us by the SNP eejits gulliver.At least you lot down in England have got rid of your liars,up here in Scotland we still have a bunch of lying nationalist scum-bags in charge.

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Boris in his election referendum promised to get Brexit done.It was probably the only truth he told the Public in his short   Political career.  Because  you were certainly Done.  

^^^  Pathetic.

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Sunak's five Election pledges were all broken.

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