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Exploding Pagers......

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mushroom25 | 17:12 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | News
123 Answers

many injured, and now deaths are being reported. Hezbollah are calling it a security breach, and are blaming Israel. if that is indeed the case, how was it possible?



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You cant fire missiles into Israel and not expect a retaliation.. Creative though....

Best wishes from Miffy Peter.

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I must admit that I find myself in two minds about this.

I am not sure I can balance my satisfaction at the removal of Hezbollah fighters from the scene (whether permanently, or not) with the injury caused to those innocents in close proximity to the 'fighters' or the fact that the attack happened on the 'sovereign soil' of Lebanon.

Well ... I laughed.

@19.52.Yes,i asked this question not long ago jack,why the hell is Lebanon(a secular country allegedly)allowing these Hezbollah terrorists to operate from their country?Lebanon used to be called the riviera of the Mediterranean.What happened?Why are they allowing terrorists to operate from their country?Jordan evicted the terrorists,why not Lebanon?

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Whatever the greater politics of the matter, injuring innocent Lebanese citizens is difficult to justify.

Thanks TCL - still odd though. As an operation the Israelis (if indeed it was them) would have to be in possession of a shedload of information.

I will rephrase my answers.New ***** please.Yes,it must take a lot of *****.

They'd not need to know which individuals were going to get them, only that they would be distributed by Hezbollah to their members or supporters.

I doubt the Israeli government would be overly concerned about the victims.

If it is the Israelis, its difficult not to admit it is bloody genius.


The steps must've been extremely complex.

Thousands of Hezbsllah fighters / supporters need to be have device upgrades at the same time.

The component factory where the pagers were assembled would have to have been infiltrated...


Then finally the devices would have to be remote controlled to go off at the same time.

It's like something you don't see in real life. Only the movies.


"only that they would be distributed by Hezbollah to their members or supporters."


But how would they know which units were destined where???

From my own experience, getting a new phone from work is like walking into an Escher painting.

@20.15.Yes,it must take a lot of *****.

SP, if the Israelis found out or someone telt them about where Hezbollah got the pagers from, they intercept the supply, produce doctored replacements and tell them they were updated versions to replace the current ones they had.

They could supply thousands, wait a while for them to be dished out and distributed further, let them be used as normal for a period and then detonate them at will.

Fairly straightforward, one large packing case from the Acme Pager Corp marked 'not for terrorists', full of replacement pagers to be issued to all operatives at once to avoid vital orders from Meesta Beeg going astray via two different systems.
Once distribution is complete a quick 'allahu akbar' message to test that all is well with the new tech and 'HEY PRESTWICK!', turns into a game of bits and pieces with Israel once again doing more with less.

The dead hand of the CIA may also have been involved.


I get that - but how do you tie units with serial numbers (say) 111ABC thru 999XYZ to specific users? Its not like Hezbollah (I might've spelled that wrong but can't be bothered to look it up) announce the names and numbers of their associates!

Next step in the masterplan may involve telegram boys exploding when tipped closely followed by incendiary carrier pigeons as the race to oblivion continues apace.

Don't think they need to. The pagers went to whichever terrorist they went to. The victims can be identified at the hospital or morgue.


Collateral damage in the form of innocent civilians is sad, but that's always a risk, and I suspect the percentage quite low.

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