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Exploding Pagers......

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mushroom25 | 17:12 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | News
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many injured, and now deaths are being reported. Hezbollah are calling it a security breach, and are blaming Israel. if that is indeed the case, how was it possible?



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a point which perhaps nobody has thought to consider is that if Israel turns out to have done this (and let's be honest it looks very likely) then why would anyone trust technology produced by or manufactured in israel? if they are happy to interfere with production in order to conduct terror attacks then manufacturers are obviously going to keep production as far away from them as possible. 

According to today's news, Israel has admitted responsibility and the pagers were imported from Taiwan


//these attacks will have devastating consequences for Hezbollah’s manpower, communications and morale.//


and all it cost was one eight year old girl. what a bargain! 

Good to see AB'S keyboard warriors fighting the good fight.

Maybe I'm naive,but, if Israel didn't try to "settle/invade" the Gaza strip over many years, and the opponents of Israel also didn't, would we now see the atrocities we are witnessing from both sides of the argument?

Asking for a friend because I really don't give a rodents rectum.

Argue on fervently 😒

Who knows what the situation would be had the State of Israel not been created in 1948?

And who knows what the situation would be if both sides accepted that decision?

But both sides obviously haven't. 

So who is the aggressor?

I reckon it depends on which era of history one wishes to focus on.

but israel isn't fighting over territory it was granted in 1948. it is fighting over territory it has conquered and brutalised afterwards... and also territory that it wishes to treat the same way. 

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It occurs to me that this operation, while achieving something, could be seen as a bit of a failure. Sure, it'll give the terrorists a headache sorting out a new communication option, and a bit of a shock to get over, but it took very few terrorists out, and probably left a lot of injured ones now more determined to hit out than ever. It's not like the Israelis to fall short like that. They must be slipping.

Who gives a damn what these terrorists think or do OG,they were terrorists before this attack,they will still be terrorists after this attack.Not a lot of these lot with their dangly bits missing would have been trying to conclude a peace deal with Israel any time soon.

Well, 1ozzy, while both sides stuck there needling each other things were never likely to improve. That's why the 2 state suggestion was pursued, to no avail. 


I'm not expert enough to predict what the present situation would be had the Jews not been assigned a homeland, but I suspect whatever did come about there would still be squabbling between whatever ancient tribes were now there. Who would be at whose throat is a subject for speculation. Jews may even have returned anyway by their own efforts, given sufficient backing. We'll never know.

I think you may be missing my point ynna; had the operation been successful there would be few terrorists left in the group to carry on at all. If it was to continue it'd have to start recruiting from scratch from a population that had just seen them taken out unexpectedly &  easily.

The death of an 8 year old child is a tragedy, thousands of terrorists and their supporters killed and maimed is a result.

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ynnafymmi - by all means discuss the aftermath of this event, but lame "jokes" & your apparent delight about the injuries aren't acceptable in any category.  Please stop posting in such fashion.

"they were terrorists before this attack,they will still be terrorists after this attack"

the 8 year old girl was not a terrorist... given that these explosions took place in grocery stores and other public places in another country then how can you be sure that all of the other victims were terrorists? 

setting bombs off in public places surrounded by civilians is terrorism. the fact that israel has admitted carrying out such attacks should make us think very carefully about whether or not our government should be backing a terrorist state. 

well done Mushie - when I first saw your thread, I thought obviously un-mimsy ( not gemutlich, not chintzy, too much violence. dead people mentioned - heavens!) and it wd last 30s. By some miracle.....

Today - the pagers were from Taiwan. Can you imagine a Taiwanese Jew infiltrating the factory ? Something wrong there.

The Taiwanese ( anti communist) CEO - Thay no mor - denied he was nicknamed around the factory Bang Bang Foo. And he said a licence had been granted to Hungary

Much easier to inflitrate.

the 8 year old girl was not a terrorist.

neither were half of the 30 000 dead in Gaza but the international community has said "so what?"

usual thing - dead children without voices

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