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Peanut Allergy Alert

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sunny-dave | 16:25 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | News
2 Answers

Not one of my usual light hearted topics, but this is potentially very serious for anyone with a peanut allergy.

There are alerts in Ireland and the UK - my news article happens to be from an Irish source (it explains the problem quite succinctly) , but the most useful lists of affected products are being issued in the UK :



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I don't want to make light of it but for a pedant like me it's very annoying. How is that list ordered? Not by alphabetical not by date. How??!

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It's a mess isn't it!

My guess is thay are just adding each new one on at the end/beginning of the list - at least there is a pdf version so it's easy to do a text search

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Peanut Allergy Alert

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