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JinnyJoan | 22:53 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | Home & Garden
11 Answers

My sister along with another 4 residents are getting their houses refurbished inside and out.  Scaffolding has been erected last Monday or Tuesday but I had to call over last night on an errand and had great difficulty in getting up the steps outside the houses as it was so dark.  Should the housing association be contacted regarding this matter.  I couldn't see the last upper step.  thanks for any answers



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I would have thought that they should have made the properties accessible - which they appear not to be. Contact the council.

Perhaps just take a torch next time.

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Yes Hoppy did think of a torch on Sunday when I leave her home (she is over 80) - that would be a temp thing.  

just get a little cheap one

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I should have mentioned these houses are well down below steps and because of this - they don't get the lamp lights on the road   I am terrified her of falling up the stairs since she is getting her  of magular injection this Monday.  No this light  is not good for her. 

No harm in contacting the housing association.  They can tell the contractors to erect suitable temporary lighting 

Most mobile phones have a torch built in these days.

Many older folk don't have mobile phones.

I don't understand how scaffolding is affecting the street lighting, is it normally lit well enough on the steps?

longer term - maybe the properties could be fitted with external lights with motion sensors.

Prudie, it sounds as if the scaffolding is encroaching on the area near the steps making it more difficult to get up and down them as the street lights don't shine on them.

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