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Untitled | 08:03 Mon 14th Oct 2024 | News
73 Answers

a bavarian neonazi has fallen to his death while climbing hitler's favourite mountain  ☺️



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i think it's safe to say it means something a bit different to a nazi. hagia sophia is a tourist attraction but it's more than that for worshippers


"we could perhaps discuss that on another thread ynna... i have noticed you have a tendency to drag absolutely every unrelated thread onto hezbollah or hamas. it's getting a bit weird. "

Not as weird as gulliver and Boris Johnson but you agree with him, does that make you weird?

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what do i agree with gulliver about? i think you have just lumped us together because we are both anti-conservative. gulliver is not particularly left wing as far as i have seen... i am. 

I'd say it's a site of historical interest to anyone who's interested, untitled.

//gulliver is not particularly left wing//

He's definitely rather left field though.

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and nazis have a... particular shade to their "interest" wouldn't you say? a nazi going to hitler's pad is like a christian going to calvary... you don't think he was going there to browse the gift shop do you?

Perhaps its best if we get TCL the mod on here just now.He deleted all my postings regarding the deaths of the Hezbollah Nazis,perhaps he can come on to this posting also?

All my postings were along the lines of"New balls please"etc,yet were deleted.Why.I want my deleted postings re-instated.

Have you reported it Ynna?

Well I did get a little excited when I saw good news, but, no chance. Even Gully came into the firing line and he's not even on the thread, jesus *****

Yes,just now,but i dont expect any thing to happen.I am not one of the"chosen few"Mozz.

ynnafymmi, you know fine well why your posts were deleted and as they've not been re-instated, the deletions were not inappropriate.

That is the matter closed and any further posts from you concerning the deletions will also be deleted.

untitled, it's a place of historical interest.  If his reasons for going were any more than that, you will never know.   There's a real irony in your OP and in your attitude but that's something you appear to be completely oblivious of.


Ynna, there are over a dozen mods on here.  Unless one of them tells yu they've deleted your posts you have no idea who's responsible and neither do I.  

Vulcan 10.23 .I do not want to take part in this post . Please leave me out of your. "Weird" replies. OK.

Funny how lefties like untitled and co rejoice at the death of a nazi, fair enough, but I don't understand why they love Islam so much. It's Islam who are the real nazis, given half a chance they would not hesitate to commit a genocide worse than the holocaust but that's ok it seems.

"....his daughter is better off without him."

I think you need to seriously re-assess what effect your politics is having on your thought processes. 

The child is four. She may or may not grow up with her father's political leanings (most children don't). But at the moment, a four year old girl has been told her father has died. If your politics are making you so screwed up that you can rejoice in that, I think you may need to seek some help.

And you still haven't explained what damage this chap's political beliefs might have caused that are so serious that he deserves to die.

judge: "And you still haven't explained what damage this chap's political beliefs might have caused that are so serious that he deserves to die" - all lefties think that if you have the "wrong" view you deserve to die so I applaud untitled being honest enough to say so.

In the aftermath of WWII the famous American photographer, Lee Miller had herself photographed naked in Hitler's bath !

That was far from adulation, more like a 'trophy of war'.

"all lefties think that if you have the "wrong" view you deserve to die"

do they?

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