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Untitled | 08:03 Mon 14th Oct 2024 | News
73 Answers

a bavarian neonazi has fallen to his death while climbing hitler's favourite mountain  ☺️



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"And you still haven't explained what damage this chap's political beliefs might have caused that are so serious that he deserves to die."

do you understand what a nazi is newjudge? they are an extremist group whose goal is the extermination and enslavement of disabled people, "inferior" races, and sexual minorities. we saw what happens when they gain political power in the 1930s and 1940s. such people made a serious attempt to destroy the world and people who make common cause with them should be understood as people looking to try the same thing again. 

i do not condone interpersonal violence against such people. but i think it is a thing to be welcomed when their own fanaticism and idiocy kills them off. 

his daughter is a baby. she won't even remember him. 

yes bednobs it's like a constitution to them, you cannot possibly have a different view to the one prescribed for you, therefore you must be deficient in some way. Privately death is their solution, though few would own up. The real Nazis are the left, always have been.

Ironically, untitled is the man who complainsabout hate speech - something he fails to recognise in himself.

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I do hate nazis yes. do you?

"do you understand what a nazi is newjudge? " - do you?


The neo fascists are rampant at the moment. Woe betide if you do not subscribe to the "correct" view on any given subject. Remind you of anything?

Nice try, untitled, but it won't work.

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let me put it another way

if hitler had fallen off a mountain and died in say 1922... would that have been a net positive in hindsight? he was partvof a very small movement then (was he leader by then? i can't remember) and i am sure someone would have been very sad. 

untitled: "I do hate nazis yes. do you?" - you love islam, they are worse nazis than the nazis. In fact Hitler employed their services in WWII.

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i don't love islam.

11:12 well you are on their side when ever it comes up.

11.10 - hold on; are you saying it's good he died because he may have gone on to do terrible things? He may also have turned his back on his ideology and gone on to cure cancer.

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why are you determined to make this thread about muslims? it's weird. 

11:14 you did that when you started talking about nazis. Islam are worse than nazis yet you claim to hate nazis but demonstrate every day that you love Islam. So forgive me if I am confused.  Do you not see a juxtaposition there? For all lefties?


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the reason you are confused is because you are obsessed with something unrelated. i do not "love islam" and the reason i am discussing nazism is because the man in the OP was a nazi. 

But the Hamas/Hezbollah terrorists are also Nazi anti-semites Untitled,but you are on here every other day defending or being an apologist for these Islamist Nazis.Do you know your ares from your elbow?

Members are asked to use caution when crowbarring their particular hobbyhorse into discussions in case of slippage and injury.

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i'm really not interested in discussing hezbollah or hamas here ynna.... start another thread

Untitled //...the man in the OP was a nazi. //

Sorry, but he wasn't, there are no Nazis in Germany, it is a completely outlawed organisation of the past. In Germany today simply making a Nazi salute is a prisonable offence.

I'm beginning to think Ynna was right. This thread should've been deleted long before the inevitable posturing and chest beating started. Too late now.

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the third way is a neonazi group khandro


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