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School Holidays

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Sunnie | 08:15 Sat 11th Mar 2006 | News
97 Answers

Illegal to take holidays whenever you want? I thought this was a free country?



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Children are children. OK you dont get on with them, Most families do have their holidays during the summer holidays. Sometimes, WE like to getaway from the mass crowds too. So dont expect me to get shunted to certain times of the year just because I have children -Yes my choice - so what. It is sad because I dont go around hating people who decide not to have children - so why do you?

lol, i dont "hate" anyone (except perhaps, other peoples badly behaved children :-) ). I do expect you to get shunted to holidays certain times of the year, because clearly that it what is laid down by law, as you have pointed out for yourself by making this post. So you dont have a chioce but to have your holidays in the school holidays without recrimination (and possible punishment)

i suppose the underlying point i'm making is there are lots of laws i dont like, but we cant really pick and chose which ones to obey, and which ones not to can we? or if we do, cant expect it to go unpunished. I have no idea about your and other posters point about whether children can catch up or not, as i ahve no experience, but if answerbaks answers were limited to people who knew what they were talking about, there wouldn't be a site!

sunnie, assuming there was someone to look after them, what would you do if yir three children decided to take two weeks off school from to-morrow?

I don't think anyone has brought this up (I only had time to skim), but why does everyone these days think that a (going away, preferably abroad) holiday is some sort of constitutional right?

If you can afford to go on holiday, by all means enjoy them - but don't whinge because you feel it's unfair that rules regarding children's education make it more expensive for you to swan off to your choice of destination.
The travel industry is certainly not rolling in money. That's why they slash the prices in the off season, to try to get people to travel then. You say you 'don't have a choice'. Yes you do, you just don't want to make it. Noxlumos has the right idea, educating his children at home so they're free to travel when they want; presumably you don't want to make that choice either? You just want someone else to teach your kids, holiday firms to slash their prices to suit you, and schools to let your kids out whenever you please. Can't imagine why they don't oblige you!
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What a bunch of sados. I feel like i have been very naughty. As a matter of fact we have got permission for 2 weeks hol in term time. All very legal. It is the way the media put it across to stir up this hatred - for families. So dont know what u lot are ranting on about. Jealous? What happens if the child is off sick - for more than a week? My god, it would be the end of the world - with you judgemental lot.

"It don't matter to me
Cause all I wanted to be
was a million miles from here
Somewhere more familiar

Oh my god, I can't believe it
I've never been this far away from home"

This argument is boring me now - i've got work to do.

lol so if its NOT illegal for your child to be out of school, why start this post? What was the point? To be honest as i said, i couldn't really care less about you/your childrens situation, but only added my opinion because you semed so rude, and i just wanted to back up the people who dared to have a different opinion than you, who you seem to have been most objectionable to.

kazza, i suggest you read your post then look up the word Rude, as you seem to come across as a person that detest children, i feel your just trying to put some sort of smoke screen up by saying ''other peoples badly behaved children'' when you really mean you hate children period.

Yes you are entitled to your view, but i agree with sunnie, and if that makes me a law breaker so be it, what you fail to understand due to you not having children is that us parents get fleeced from all angles, ie: if you got kids where rip you off {6 weeks holidays}.

I suspose you are snow white and abide by the rule book of life, i'm sure you,ve got your vices and theres no issue with that, but to post your views on your hatred for children is one step to far.

What gives you the right to tell other people what they mean, Laurence?

spacechimp, i was'nt posting to you, so i refrain from responding to your comment.
I've been looking at this issue and I can't understand why so many people are so venomous against some families taking holiday - without upsetting anyone. Well said Lawrence2.
Are you not going to answer ma question Sunnie?
corbyloon, i'll answer for her, thats a hypothetical question, and if your refering to children being off sick, there are parental rights be it time off with/without pay
I was not meaning sickness but wondering what Sunnie's reaction would be if her children decided not to attend school. Would it not be classed as truancy?
laurence2 - "i was'nt posting to you, so i refrain from responding to your comment " and "i'll answer for her"

Rather convenient that.

Corbyloon - doubtful you will get an answer - she hasn't botehred answering any of my questions - much easier not to answer but to just sit there and moan, call people bullies and point out that noone else is entitled to an opposing opinion!

Kazaa, I'd be careful if I were you - spouting hatred about children - I am sure that is against the law ;-)
Laurence2 what is the differnce between truancy and taking holidays within term time? If it's so easy to catch up wi the missed education why bother about truants? I'm glad you've appointed yirsel Sunnie's spokesperson as the effort she has put into the well-reasoned and considered responses has obviously proved too much for her-"What a bunch of saddos" classic...........
Apologies, that should have been "What a bunch of sados"

so is it illegal or not then? I'm totally confused by this whole post now. I dont really understand what sunnies beef is, as he/she HAS been given permission to take his/her children out of school, and therefore can give them the benefit of travel, and cheaper prices. Why are there nearly 80 aereated answers (including my own) if there isn't an issue anyway?

I dont hate all children, hence the smiley face after me saying that.

and just to clear up, my definition of rude is discourteous and impolite, which is what sunnie seemed to be being (to me) Im sure you find my answers discourteous and imoplite too, but at least i can reply to a point without just throwing out random insults to people who have an opposing view to me "bunch of sados" etc etc. Fundamentally, we are never going to agree on this issue because our underlying views on having children vary, but wouldn't life (and the answerbank) be boring if we all thought the same!

Parents should be able to take their kids for holidays whenever it suits them. Honestly I do not know how parents can afford to take their children away during peak school holiday time!

When I was in school children could leave for holidays during school term without their parents feeling like criminals. I remember that kids would get special 'homework' packets that included all homework they'd miss plus extra assignments to make up for missed class time.

I think the 'real' reason behind this is government funding of schools. Isn't it determined by attendance figures?

I think the government should stop pitting parents and teachers/schools against eachother - these type of 'laws' only tend to aggravate and destroy the flexibility that both schools and parents/families need.

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