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Gun crime

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anotheoldgit | 13:42 Mon 02nd Oct 2006 | News
91 Answers
I know this question will cause a uproar amongst some of the AB subscribers. But first let me say that it is not meant to be at all offensive, or racist it is just meant to start a honest debate and to try and find answers. Having got rid of these necessary formalities here goes.

On the James Whale show on Talk Sport Radio last night, his topic was why in this day of increased gun crime, are the perpetrators mainly from the black communities? And why is it mainly young black males who carry guns? Is it a fashion item, or can the blame be put firmly on the shoulders Gangster Rap music? All other reasons where discussed ie under achievement, social depravation, role models, but no one came up with any firm answer.

I have thought about this and came up with a rather controversial theory of my own, but I have decided to take the cowards way out and not go there, due entirely to the fact that some subjects cannot be discussed freely and frankly.


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That has to be the most amazing question that has ever been posed to me.

Are you talking about actual skin colour, or are you talking about 'blackness'.

In either case, I'm not Idi Amin, and certainly not Ryan Giggs (whose eyes are so close together he's almost a cyclops).

Therefore, you could say that I'm closest to Ainsley.

However, please don't think of me like that, as I despise Ainsley Harriott...I really, really, really despise Ainsley Harriott.

I'm signing off for a while now because I have to go to a post-work/pre-snakes on a plane drink.

I'll check later to see whether there's a response from anotheoldgot.

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That Ryan Giggs comment is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time - Bravo!
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to anyone on this site i couldnt care less what colour you are i hope anyone from an asian or other ethnic background that you are aware not all us abers are bothered nor hopefully do we care what religeon you are live and let live.
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time to open another can of special brew w m and some micro chips ,enjoy !
I have always admired your answers. You never rise to the bait and your answers have a slight tongue-in-cheek feel to them. I would say you were very intelligent and extremely tolerant!!
Well - anotheoldgit - we are waiting
Are you a man / ( woman .... equality and all ) or a mouse ?
ClarionSt, I don't read the Daily Mail or the tabloids (Guardian, Independant and Times) but I was sentenced to 7 years for GBH amongst other things and met some very choice folk whilst inside and take it from me, handguns used to be as available as fags, and I see no reason why this should have changed in the last few years. Does that satisfy your need to know?
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Le Chat...thank you very much for your kind words. I enjoy the banter on the News threads especially (and they're going to be really irritated by this) - the posts from Ward~Minter and admarlow.

Yes, we come from opposite ends of the political spectrum. I lean to the left and those two are considered 'a bit too right wing' by Ghengis Khan.

However, you (W~M and admarlow) frequently make me think because I, and I suspect you, hang out with people who share our political outlook.

I hang out with normal people and you two hang out with people who have horns and whose surnames are Beelzebub.


Back to the question in a mo...

You wrote:

"However, adding to my theory the gun-totting gangsta black man tends to be a lighter shade, like your Daley Thompson. I am sure genetics have more to play in this than sociology."

I don't know...I really don't know about that one...the reason is that most, but not all Yardies are based in Jamaica rather than the Barbados or St Kitts or the other smaller islands.

Jamaicans tend to be darker.

But what do I know...I don't know any Yardies.

I despise ANYONE who makes money out of making people miserable...Yardies, Russian mafia, loan sharks...and Robbie Williams.
.......................................especially Robbie Williams
WM - just wondering where you would put Johnson Beharry - the soldier who won the Victoria Cross. Surely as a Lance Corporal (a junior NCO!) you couldn't see him as "highly intelligent", but could the first person to be awarded a non posthumous VC in over 35 years be "lowlife scum"?

....and leave Robbie Williams out of it!
I was serious with my answer. I don't read any papers. My views come from experience living in London. I've been spat at, brick thrown at my ankle, elbowed in the face, seen 2 black men beat someone up on a bus when he said "excuse me" to get off, seen a kid kick a bus door in, a man throw an old lady of the bus, had chewing gum thrown in my hair, the endless "yo bloodclots" and silly inward hissy noises of disapproval. Had tennis ball thrown at my head while waiting for a public phone. Our local shopkeeper was shot dead because he witnessed another nightclub shooting. That's where I get my views.
oneeyedvic - I think recieving the VC definatly put him in the top 50%!!!! If that doesn't I don't know what does!
SP1814 - you words made me grin.
W~M - so did your joke.

I think you would have to be freakishly tolerant not to be affected by your experiences.

I would not for a moment defend or excuse the behaviour (actually, let's call it abuse) that you've seen/suffered.

However, would you say that all of your interractions with black/Asian people have been negative? Surely not every single one?

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