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maddy [again]

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stokemaveric | 23:47 Tue 25th Sep 2007 | News
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is that the little girl in the picture?sky news homepage...


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Of course Stoke..goes without saying.
Depends what you mean by update his profile Petal, if he used it as a means of publicising her disappearance, I don't see anything wrong with it personally. If however he put things on like what he had for tea etc then yes i'd agree with you.

Night Stoke :-)
I would love Madeline to be returned safely back to her family. Of course. Whatever my points may of been. I always want that too.
Whatever the rights and wrongs, I can't imagine what it must feel like to lose a child. I'd never smile again if it was one of mine.
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nite boo and thanx for all your comments on which is really old news but im sure you will all agree will not go away until a conclusion,wheter is a happy one [hopefully] or the worst case scenario has been reached.night all.
Sweet dreams Stoke - and you're right.
g'nite stoke!! sweet dreams & thnx i am! lol
bri: its sorry lol
petal: like i said earlier they are paying the highest price for the wrong choice they made
but once again who are we to judge? have you been in their situation? no? guess is how do you know how the "proper" way to react is?
Lol Kyra - I've been waiting up to see if you replied! Sure I'll email you, thanks. Got to get off to bed in a few mins though. Up at 5 - which is in just under 4 hours from now - hideous!
sorry bri!
had to go have a smoke lol .... then ....another
definatly do that! i'd love to talk more w you
like i said i'm here for you
g nite!!!!!!!!! sweet dreams
Her parents for all their faults must be going through hell. Can any of us imagine waiting for that phone call telling us wether our child is found safe and well, or they found a body.
Night everyone - and Ky - hope the email's all in the lower case - like the first "m"? It'll be brill to chat to you "properly"!!! I'm grinning just thinking about it! Btw - yes, it was me on about epilators! Oh God...never again! xx
Exactly Webstar..A living hell.
lol bri
yea its all lower case!
epilators!? oh god the horror! lol
now go to bed!!! gnite
I'm halfway there.....perhaps because I'm not ALL there...... hey ho - THAT could start something off! LOL.
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lol bri.. omg!
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good point legend; but we don't know do we? its just annoying how everyones ready to blame them to hell and back before we have proof
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