Did you know that in Roman times women used to frequently dump their babies in this manner,it was known as exposure. A horrible practice
What are you saying, she may be Roman, or are you branching off at another tangent, so as to somehow excuse her of this ghastly act of dumping a poor defenceless infant?
I suppose if that had been a little shivering puppy dog, all you who are letting your emotions get the better of you over this, would be condemning the person for abandoning the little puppy?
Let us put this into some sort of perspective?
1/ There is enough sex education given out now.
2/ There are numourous contraceptive methods.
3/ There is unlimited support available.
4/ She chose to have the baby, but not to seek medical attention.
5/ She made the decision to abandon the infant, not in a covered warm place, but out in the open in the middle of one of the coldest snaps for years.
6/ She did this rather than get into some sort of trouble herself.
Ok, as it happened in this case she finally gave herself up, but what if those boys had not found the poor babe in time?
What if the infant had died in those tragic circumstances, what then, would it had been Infanticide?
This little mite should now be adopted by some loving persons and brought up in a warm and comfortable home, it so richly deserves, after the abysmal entrance into this world it had forced upon it.