I went on holidays for few days and little birdie is happy in thinking that he won the war. But my offer is still there. Lets sit and have a debate face to face. Or you do not have confidence apart from long useless posts without full background knowledge like this one��.
I quoted Qur'an 4:11 which says, 'Allah directs you in regard of your Children's (inheritance): to the male, a portion equal to that of two females.... These are settled portions ordained by Allah'
Okay, so put simply, Allah has ordained that it takes two women to be same as one man. Or put another way, a women is only half a man. A women is less than a man. By 50%. Apparently.
In Islam woman gets half of the inheritance because in Islam men are supposed to take responsibility for looking after the families financially and women look after the kids (so no un-attended yobs without a proper looking after, no junk food, no obesity) to start with. Women�s financial needs are the responsibility of father and brother�s before marriage and then of husband and sons. She does not have to work 9 to 5.
So she gets her share and keeps 100% of that as she is not responsible for paying for any thing. Whereas her brother gets twice as much (inheritance) as he is still responsible to run the family and most of the time that money is spent back into the family affairs.
So Allah has ordained two women equal to one man (only for this purpose) for a reason.