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BNP Win 2 Euro Seats: Justifiable?

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paraffin | 03:22 Mon 08th Jun 2009 | News
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Voters in Leeds + Manchester have helped to elect two BNP members to the European Parliament.
Should those voters be admired for exercising their democratic rights?
Or should they be roundly condemned for helping to elect such an extreme racist party to British Politics?


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Not when I'm sat here unemployed because someone is willing to do my job for less than the minimum wage.

The Nazis eliminated the Jews because they did not look like them or fit in with their misguided ideals, not because they were taking all their jobs away.
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I don't need anyone to tell me what is happening in my own town. I am quite capable of seeing for myself the damage these people have done to our (and I dare say other) communities.
The BNP are exactly the same.

It is about colour not nation

They have Irish candidates

You can't be a member if you're black or asian

Wake up and look at what the scum you voted for are really all about


Obviously ... unless you are opposed to the principle of elected democracy.

The BNP stood a candidate.

He got the most votes.

The End.

We may not approve, but that's the system.
It's nothing to do with colour. If a group of Londoners came up here and took all our jobs, I would want them to go too.

And if they are going to make the scum who boo our returning soldiers go home, then that's just a bonus.
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i may be wrong but im pretty sure there was a big deal made last year of the first black candidate standing for the BNP in a local election
Yes Hitler may have spread his nonsense but I can see with my own eyes that the Eastern European population of my small town has all but destroyed it.

It's not propoganda, it's fact.
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What I am trying to say is that Hitler preached his rubbish and people believed him. People in Yorkshire have first hand experience of actual events and have made their feelings known.
Like it or not, there are large numbers of people in the UK who do not like the main parties� policies on immigration which have left a number of areas in the country �overrun� (at least in their view) by foreigners. They are just as entitled to their view as jake is. (I think I�m right in saying that he believes that the idea of nation states is outdated and that anybody should be allowed to live anywhere in the world). There are also large numbers of people who want to see an end to ever closer political integration with the EU.

These people have no voice among the main parties and those parties have been ignoring their point of view for decades. The people of Ireland had a say on the EU Treaty. They gave their answer and immediately they were told they would have to �think again� until they came up with the right answer. In short, politicians treat their electorate with contempt.

The chickens are now coming home to roost. It is outrageously offensive to suggest that those who voted for the BNP (or indeed anybody else) should be condemned and that jake feels the need to apologise to his European colleagues for their behaviour. They have chosen the people whom they believe will best represent their interests in the sham that is the European Parliament. That is their right and apologies do not need to be offered to anybody.
I certainly am no "dole scum". My job was taken away and given to someone else who would do it for peanuts. I have a standard of living I wish to keep up rather than sharing a 1 bedroom flat with 10 others all in sleeping bags on the floor.
Well said New Judge.

That could never happen.

Blacks and Asians are banned from becoming members of the BNP.
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Isn't the election of BNP MEPs more closely akin to the successes of Sinn Fein in the 80s?

Perhaps we should deny them 'the oxygen of publicity'?
If we should not allow foreign people to come here to work does that also mean we should not allow british people to work overseas?
Hang on...there is good news...look at this from the BBC website:

Mr Griffin was elected to Brussels even though the BNP polled fewer votes in the region than it had in 2004 - but the slump in Labour support meant its share of the vote increased.

Excellent! Despite the increased profile of immigration stories, the BNP are actually less popular than they were five years ago.

Looks like it's an anti-Labour result, than a pro-BNP one.

The sun is shining again.
Unlike you Zac, I choose to live in my own home rather than being forced to move away because of these people.

stoofur - If it's jobs that the native people can do then they should be given to the native people first. If we are lacking in skilled workpeople then sure invite them to do it.

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