VHG,You post the same post every few weeks. He is the same story from December
Tue 09/12/08
one more thing......
I was in the centre of Birmingham the other day, sitting on a pavement cafe having a break.
A school party came past, about 6 or 7 years olds, with their clip boards, on a school trip.
As these 30 or so kids went past I noticed that NOT ONE OF THEM WAS WHITE.
They were Asian, chinese, black, and so on. NO WHITE KIDS.
I sat there and thought "this is the future of our country".
How sad we have let this happen.
What is it suppose to prove? That a class in the centre of one of our most racially diverse cities, has a lot of non white children in it. So what. There are many classes without a single black child in it. It depends where you live.