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/// By the way, isn't comparing immigration since the 50s, which saw the first wave of West Indian migrant, with a crime committed a Lithuanian in 2009 casting the net a little wide?///
If you as a black person are trying to get me to state that all crime is due to the influx of people with darker skins, you are not going to succeed. It matters not if they are West Indian, Lithuanian or Outer Mongolian.
If they have come to this country and then committed a crime, then the hypothesis is, if that individual had not been allowed into our country then that crime would not have been committed.
It is obvious that crime, in particular violent crime, rape, stabbings, shootings, murders etc, cannot be firmly planted solely at the immigrants door.
But if one reads, listens to or views the media, it would seem that certain crimes seem the majority domain of certain racial groups.
For example if one reads certain reports on crime, even if at the time no one has been named, one can mostly assume that it has been committed by a certain group, and in the majority cases one is correct.